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That which need be said of religion today, to those who believe in the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Holy Upanishads and other Holy Scriptures, is that--

This is the time of the KALKI - the MESSIAH, the emobodiment of the Holy Sprit of Lord JESUS, in His Second Coming.

We strongly believe in the scriptural revelations that JESUS is the "Sign of the Hour" - the hour being the impending Catastrophe, the disaster and destruction of the whole universe, which will be followed by the Resurrection(Revival) of the dead.

Of the dead, no conscientious man, endowed with the sense of equity and justice, will disbelieve or deny that there are two categories, the righteous and the wicked, each to be requited suitably for the acts and deeds done.

The Holy Scriptures and Religions speak of death as of two kinds

(i). Just and noble death - Heavenly - with manifestations bearing ample proof to it and

(ii) Unjust and ignoble death - Hellish - with perceptible marks and signs to prove it also.

Death acts as a turnstile entrance leading the good, blessed with life to Heaven (the life of Eternal Peace, without ageing, disease and death), and leading the bad, who have failed to approach their Divine Father and be blessed by Him, condemned to Hell (the life of eternal fear, sorrow and suffering).

The righteous go back to the plane of existence, a celestial abode, wherefrom they originated. There they are more conscious of the realities of the spiritual world.

The wicked stagger into abysmal darknees and are left in the lurch to suffer eternally.

Man, be he good or bad, born as mortal, meets death. but the good one wins over it whereas the bad one permanently gets into its clutches without rescue. In no case the soul dies.

On death, it has been said in the Holy Scriptures:

i) that death has been created to put men to the proof to find out which of them would acquit himself in the fairest manner,

ii) that the good make a final departure from the physical body and reach the subtle body, in a state of purity, with the help of angels,

iii) that as men pass from dream to wakefulness, so do the good pass at death from this life to the next ,

iv) that God Himself takes into Him the righteous soul, that which dieth not, but yet is in its sleep - the sleep of consciouseness and pleasure,

v) that only through the help of True Master, a spiritual adept, man can achieve a perfected personality, a mighty TRIUMPH, a BLISS that grows up within him and does not depend on external circumstances etc., etc.

About the wicked it has been said that they quit their bodies in a flood of confusion with penalty of shame and chastisement of burning etc.

The signs and marks of sin - "the sting of death" -exhibited on the sinful are :

1. Pollution - the discharge of bitter and nasty fluid - emitting stinking smell, (This unmistakably is the mark of a sinner)

1. "Whether a person has lived an unrighteous or righteous life is revealed by his seminal discharge or its absence at the time of death" [Thirukkural]

2. "O thou My mind! For the realized, the seed of life remains itself inside the body at death [and the body remains pure]. For the unrealized it departs leaving a seminal discharge [and the body, deteriorates consequently]." [Agappei Siddhar]

2. The severe and violent throws of the shoulderd blades,

3. The phlegm accumulating in the chest and causing dragging and jarring sound as if sawn with a sickle,

4. The twisting and fiery breath that chokes and suffocates the throat, causlng keen and poignant agonies that shoot through every nerve like streams of pulsating fire, (The higher sense faculties, the special favours of God to man, forming the intellectual part of his nature, are snatched away while there will still be power to feel and feeling will be torment.)

5. The closure of the gullet not allowing a drop of water to get in,

6. The blurring of the eye,

7. The changes in the natural conditions of the lobe and the ala,

8. The rigormortis and a gloomy and horrified appearance of the face

9. The increase of sinful physical weight(dead weight) and

10. Tha decay of the body.

These perceptible signs and marks - the stigma, the brand. etc. - constitute the primafacie evidence that the person, dead is a sinner who has wronged his soul, and go to prove that death has thrown him into wilderness where he gropes for help without avail, till the day of Final Judgement, when the eternal punishment will be meted out to him.

MEIVAZHI - THE TRUE PATH and the True Religion, that swallows up Death in victory - offers not only to help mankind to escape from evil consequences of death, but also to achieve all that a noble soul wishes for - the accomplishment of its destiny, the noblest purpose of life, the supreme salvation leading to Eternal Bliss.

"Whomsoever Thou guardest against evil deeds on that day, on him, Thou hast had mercy and that is indeed the mighty Triumpth." - (Holy Quran)

Meivazhi is practical and susceptible of experience and proof, as different from the various systems of faith that are merely theoretical and dogmatic, but have adopted the names of true religions which prevailed long ago.

It is the living active force, the Holy Spirit in vital form, guiding humanity to Godlines.

The votaries of MEIVAZHI, near and dear to their Holy Master, get at the time of death into the subtle body with the Breath of Life, the source for revival(Resurrection) with all betterment. In proof whereof the following symptoms are displayed :-

1. The pure and pleasant state as is clearly reflected in the youthfulness and cheer blooming on the face,

2. The aroma emanating from ,

3. The Felxibility,

4. The Lightness,

5. The warmth,

6. The sweating of the body,

7. The natural conditions of the lobe and the ala and

8. the knuckles giving out sound when cracked - all continuing as in live state; and

9. the disappearence of deformities such as hunch back with which they may have been afflicted,

10. Their bodies do not decay after death. The earth does not affect their bodies.

These are the sure indications that 'They die well, LIVE well' and attain sublimation which is true purpose of life.

In other words, as spoken of in the Bible, they shall not all die but shall all be changed in a flash, in the twinkle of an eye, at the last trumpet call.

'Death is swallowed up; victory is won!' 'O Death, Where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory?' - Holy Bible