Meili Yinyuehui

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Meili Yinyuehui is the original debute album by Twelve Girls Band. It consists of one disc with eight songs and a second disc with ten Songs in a sort of modernized Chinese form. This album was released 2001 and was a limited press by Nanjing Yinxiang which only pressed a few thousand CDs. This album still has the original member selection which lightly changes after that.

According to Nanjing Yinxiang a lot of pirated versions are sold all over the world.

Disc 1:

  1. S.D花园 S.D Garden
  2. 相爱已无 I Can't Be Your Man
  3. 自由 Free
  4. 预知 Anticipation
  5. 嗨!向吧哈致敬 Hey! A Tribute to Bach
  6. 魂之舞 Spirit Dance
  7. 都市夜曲 City Night
  8. 感谢年华 Thanks for Age

Disc 2:

  1. 春梦 Dream of Spring
  2. 五拍 Take Five
  3. 五词 No Words
  4. 塞琳娜之歌 Song for Selina
  5. 午夜心境 Midnight Mood
  6. 节奏之中 Rythm Within
  7. 茉莉花 Jasmine Flower
  8. 爱的读法 Spell of Love
  9. 勇往直前 Go Straight Ahead by Way
  10. 康定情歌 Kang Ding Qing Ge