Megaphone desktop tool

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Screenshot of Megaphone Desktop Tool
Screenshot of Megaphone Desktop Tool

The Megaphone desktop tool is a Microsoft Windows application distributed by the World Union of Jewish Students and other pro-Israel organizations, through the website.

Megaphone, released on July 19, 2006, delivers real-time alerts about key articles, videos, blogs, and surveys to community members. Members can easily voice their opinions and work together to support Israel on the public opinion front. The tool has been endorsed by Amir Gissin, head of the Public Affairs Department of the Foreign Ministry of Israel. [1]


[edit] Automatic voting

The Megaphone Desktop Tool gives the user the option of going to a particular site with a poll, and if the user chooses to go to the site, the software then casts a vote automatically, when this is technically feasible. The vote is chosen by the distributors of Megaphone.

"Giyus tries to save you the time and effort of locating the voting form inside the website, a seemingly simple task that may prove quite confusing at certain sites. Whenever we technically can we direct you straight to the voting action. If you have arrived at the poll results, it means that you were directed straight to the voting action and have already successfully voted. If for some reason you don't care to vote, you can always use the "No Thanks" link in the article alert popup."[2]

The user is offered the option to vote or not to vote (see screenshot above), but is not offered the option to choose their own vote.

[edit] Remote update capability

The software license provides for remote updates: "You understand and agree that Giyus.Org may provide updates, patches and/or new versions of the Software from time to time, including automatic updates that will be installed on your computer, with notice to You, as needed to continue to use the Services, and You hereby authorize such installations." [3]

[edit] Partner organizations

(The web site of the Application claims these organizations as partners.)

[edit] Press coverage

[edit] See also

[edit] External links