Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2006-03-06 Joe Scarborough

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[edit] Request for cabal mediation

[edit] Request Information

Request made by: Tbeatty
Where is the issue taking place?
Joe Scarborough page. Discussion outlines it. Issue is POV wording and amount of detail. ALso, location in the bio.
Who's involved?
Gamliel and tbeatty for this round. Issue has been around for a year.
What's going on?
Issue is oultined in discussion and history.
What would you like to change about that?
I would like an equitable solution to the POV issue.
If you'd prefer we work discreetly, how can we reach you?
Would you be willing to be a mediator yourself, and accept a mediation assignment in a different case?

Yes and Yes.

This is, following the Categorical Imperative, the idea that you might want to do
what you expect others to do. You don't have to, of course, that's why it's a question.

[edit] Mediator response

Hello. I have been assigned this case, but I must decline to mediate on grounds of lack of enough background information regarding the issues being discussed, which I believe will hamper the efficacity of the mediation effort. Thank you. Andres C. 15:12, 14 March 2006 (UTC)

Hey! I've been assigned this case. I admittedly know little about the individual whose biography is in dispute, but maybe that's a good thing. My stance is to let everyone get a sense of one another's positions and rationale, isolate areas of agreement through compromise, and come to a consensus version of the article based upon those areas of agreement. Considering that the topic in dispute relates to other noteworthy individuals, that may include editing separate articles as well. If you are comfortable with my comparative lack of knowledge concerning Mr. Scarborough and with my overall mediation philosophy concerning this case, I am more than happy to help mediate your collective disagreement(s).
I want to begin by inviting the disputants to concisely lay out below their positions concerning the issues in dispute, from there we can perhaps move to isolating points of agreement and negotiating or dispensing with items of disagreement. Fishhead64 18:14, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Positions concerning issues in dispute

Lori Klausutis, employed by Congressmen Joe Scarborough, was found dead of natural causes in one of his Florida offices while he was in Washington. There is no evidence that implicates that anyone, let alone Joe Scarborough, was involved at all. There is no evidence of foul play. The death was the result of a previously undiagnosed medical condition. Numerous conspiracy theories were created on the internet, mostly as a lashing out against the 24/7 media coverage of Gary Condit and the murdered Chandra Levy which happened at the same time, but none have any substance in making the Klausitus death a crime. Arguments were made concerning the conduct of police, the Medical Examiner and others associated with the investigation in an attempt to make the death seem more than just a tragic death of a young woman.

Three years later, when Joe Scarborough interviewed the producer of a movie called "Michael Moore Hate America", Moore became angry and registered the domain "". It was his way of expressing outrage over the title "Michael Moore Hates America" by being, in his view, just as over-the-top.

The controversy with Michael Moore is the only aspect of this that makes it newsworthy and even that is such a minor event that I question it's relevancy. This is an attempt to tarnish Scarborough with a cloud of suspicion by associating him with the death of another person. The controversy has been manufactured. This would be like mentioning Kennedy assassination theories on LBJ's bio without any evidence that LBJ was involved. The fact that the crackpot theory exists is not relevant. It should be seen simply for what it was: an attempt to smear through association. These agenda driven attempts to smear political figures through innuendo should not be part of an encyclopedia entry.

Even if the Michael Moore controversy is included, it should be in the timeline of when the controversy happened and that's when he became a journalist. --Tbeatty 02:38, 21 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Comments by others

If you are not satisfied with the mediation please submit your
dissatisfaction to Mediation Cabal: Complaints.

In 2001, an aide to Joe Scarborough died of natural causes. Joe wasn't there and didn't know her. At the time, Gary COndit was under intense scrutiny. SOme people on the extreme left didn't like it that Gary COndit, who was having a relationship with Chandra Levy, was under intense scrutiny. There was never any serious belief that Joe S was involved in any way with Lori Klausutis. He was in Washington when she died.

In 2004, as retribution for Joe Scarborough interviewing the producers of "Michael Moore Hates America" registered the domain name "" This created a feud between MM and JS.

Choice A: In 2004, filmmaker Michael Moore registered the domain Three years earlier, on July 20, 2001, Lori Klausutis, one of Scarborough's aides, was found dead in his Fort Walton Beach, Florida office. Police found no evidence of foul play and her death was the result of a previous medical condition. Moore believed Scarborough was involved in a documentary critical of Moore called Michael Moore Hates America

Choice B: On July 20, 2001, Lori Klausutis, one of Scarborough's aides, was found dead in his Fort Walton Beach, Florida office due to a previously undiagnosed heart condition. [7] [8] Some have criticized the medical examiner's conclusions and credentials [9] and the relative lack of media coverage. [10]. In 2004, Michael Moore registered the domain Responding to some of Moore's public comments, Scarborough said to a guest on his program: "tell him to stop going around calling me a murderer or I'm going to have to call my lawyers." [11] Scarborough was involved in a anti-Moore documentary called Michael Moore Hates America.

[edit] Mediator Conclusion

Gamaliel was personally invited to participate by myself - no response was received. Invitations to participate in mediation posted on the Talk:Joe Scarborough page elicited either no or negative responses. Therefore, I'm booking out of this case, with the suggestion that the requestor consider pursuing a more formal route to address the user's concerns. Fishhead64 02:51, 24 March 2006 (UTC)