Medusa B-class

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Name prefix {{{prefix-n}}}
Registration prefix {{{prefix-r}}}
Ship role SD(P)
Affiliation and star navies Star Kingdom of Manticore
In service from 1922 PD
Number in service {{{Number}}}
Notable ships, captains and story appearances {{{Notable}}}
Technical characteristics
Displacement (tons) / Mass 9,000,000 tons
Length (m) {{{Lenght}}}
Beam / Width (m) {{{Width}}}
Height (m) {{{Height}}}
Max Acceleration {{{Max Acceleration}}}
Max Speed {{{Max Speed}}}
Complement 1025
Broadside arms (p/s):
Broadside lasers {{{Broadside lasers}}}
Laser size (cm) {{{Broadside laser size (cm)}}}
Broadside grasers {{{Broadside grasers}}}
Graser size (cm) {{{Broadside graser size (cm)}}}
Broadside missiles {{{Broadside missiles}}}
Broadside energy torpedoes {{{Broadside energy torpedoes}}}
Broadside counter-missiles {{{Broadside counter-missiles}}}
Broadside point-defense laser clusters {{{Broadside point-defense laser clusters}}}
Forward arms:
Forward lasers {{{Forward lasers}}}
Laser size (cm) {{{Forward laser size (cm)}}}
Forward grasers {{{Forward grasers}}}
Graser size (cm) {{{Forward graser size (cm)}}}
Forward missiles {{{Forward missiles}}}
Forward counter-missiles {{{Forward counter-missiles}}}
Forward point-defense laser clusters {{{Forward point-defense laser clusters}}}
After arms:
After lasers {{{After lasers}}}
Laser size (cm) {{{After laser size (cm)}}}
After grasers {{{After grasers}}}
Graser size (cm) {{{After graser size (cm)}}}
After missiles {{{After missiles}}}
After counter-missiles {{{After counter-missiles}}}
After point-defense laser clusters {{{After point-defense laser clusters}}}
Armanent notes 1000 missile pods
Boat bays {{{Boat bays}}}
Bowwall {{{Bowwall}}}
Sternwall {{{Stern}}}

[edit] Medusa-B

The Medusa-B was regarded by the BuShips design teams, when they began work on it, as a strictly interim, graduated improvement on the original Harrington/Medusa design. But the designers got a bit out of hand and made some radical changes and innovations in the design, and it is even remotely possible that the Medusa-B will supplant the Invictus in eventual production. And, by the way, there was a lot of Grayson input into the Medusa-B design.

Basically, the design teams started with what was really almost a clean piece of paper. They took the same hull as the original Harrington/Medusa design, which defined the tonnage they had to work with, but they were able to plan from the beginning on using the smaller fusion-powered MDM and the lighter and smaller missile pods designed to go with it, and the total ship's company for the new design was set at only 1,025 -- 900 naval personnel and only 125 Marines, a reduction of something like 83% in the crew requirements of a superdreadnought from the time of Basilisk Station.

They started by reducing the ship's total energy armament to only 50 grasers. Then they reduced the total number of broadside missile tubes to 40 (all of which, by the way, have the same off-bore capability as Hexapuma's launchers), adopted the new smaller (and lighter) missile pod, and accepted larger, centralized magazine space for their broadside launchers. They adopted the new, smaller (and longer-ranged) counter-missiles, actually reduced the internal volume dedicated to EW systems (given the increased effectiveness on a per-ton basis of the Ghost Rider onboard systems and the RMN's increasing confidence in and reliance upon the Ghost Rider remote platforms), deleted 3 complete boat bays, and adopted the brand new impeller nodes developed from the basic research that led to the original Shrike, plus additional reductions in the size of the Manticoran/Grayson compensators. And after they did all of that, they extended the hollow core from the stern all the way to just short of the forward impeller ring, rather than running it for only about the 30 percent of the hull length which they had used in the original Harrington/Medusa. The traditional percentage of a waller's tonnage which was used for offensive weapons systems was only about 45% of the ship's total. By the time the designers got done with the Harrington/Medusa-B, that percentage had been increased to over seventy percent.

The ship carries 50 grasers, 40 missile tubes… and over four times as many missile pods as the original SD(P) design. She carries enough missiles for her broadside armament for a 2-hour engagement at what the RMN defines as "heavy sustained rates of fire" in addition to her pod armament. There was a great deal of debate within the Manticoran design hierarchies about whether or not to retain any broadside launchers, especially since the Invictus design had completely excluded them. The Harrington/Medusa-B design, however, was heavily influenced by the Graysons who insisted (for reasons best known to themselves… although I suppose it remotely possible that at some time in the future you guys may find out what those reasons were) that at least some broadside launchers be retained.

What you have here is a ship which is uncompromisingly optimized for high-density, relatively sustained missile combat with just enough missiles and energy broadside capability (the Gryphon-class superdreadnoughts, for example, mounted 54 grasers, 46 lasers, and 12 energy torpedoes, or over twice as many energy mounts as this design) to look after itself if something fast enough to catch it overhauls it after its exhausted its missile pods. In order to get it, they accepted some additional sacrifices in hull strength (although not such extreme sacrifices as one might think) and an unprecedented degree of automation, which has the advantage of giving them a huge increase in combat power but at a potential cost in sustainability once they begin taking battle damage. Given that these ships have the two-story capability of the Nasty Kitty to go with their pods, and that the current-generation broadside launcher of the Alliance can launch the new fusion-powered, all-up MDMs at the rate of approximately 2 per minute, these ships can put 400 missiles into space every minute, and they can keep it up for about an hour and a half.