Medina del Campo

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Town of Medina del Campo

Coat of arms
State Spain
Autonomous community Castilla y León
Province Valladolid
Postal code 47400
 - Latitude:
 - Longitude:

41°18' N
4º55' W
Altitude 721 m
Surface 153 km²
Distances 55 km to Valladolid
161 km to Madrid
 - Census 2005
 - Density

20,683 inhab.
135 inhab./km²
Demonym Medinense
River Zapardiel brook
Mayor (since 1995) Crescencio Martín Pascual (Partido Popular)
Local council website Ayuntamiento de Medina del Campo

Medina del Campo is a small town located in the middle of the Spanish Meseta Central, in Castile-Leon autonomous region. It has some urban features (its 20,000 inhabitants, an important railroad station, an industrial estate, very busy major roads…); but it also retains a clearly rural character, since it is the capital of a farming area and it is far away from the great economic centres.


[edit] Highlights

Medina can offer a large variety of cultural activities to its citizens and visitors, some of them very interesting. Its Holy Week has been officially declared a Tourist Attraction, because of the artistic value of his religious images and the documented antiquity of its processions. The Film Festival Week has been, for 19 years, an important appointment for the producers of Short-Films of the whole world. There is also a Sports Week in spring, one rooted Half-Marathon and a prestigious tennis tournament. It is famous for the Greyhound Races National Championship, celebrated in Medina, which consists of hare-coursing.

Some of the most important events for the inhabitants of Medina, are the Local Festivities, 2nd September, in honour of the so-called “San Antolín” (his real name is Saint Antoninus of Pamiers). The celebrations revolve around the religious ceremonies and, above all, around the bullfighting. The encierros (bull running) are very typical of Medina (they let the fighting bulls loose throughout the fields and along the streets of the city, leading them up to the bullring), also emblematic are the Dodges, in Spanish so-called “cortes” (the bold people go towards the bull and, just when the beast attacks, they avoid them, in the last moment, with a quickly movement).

Taurine spectacles in the Local Festivities in honour to San Antolín, patron-saint of Medina del Campo (Valladolid, Spain).Above, a typical bull running crosses the fields.Below, people dodge the fighting bulls in the so-called “Cortes”
Taurine spectacles in the Local Festivities in honour to San Antolín, patron-saint of Medina del Campo (Valladolid, Spain).
Above, a typical bull running crosses the fields.
Below, people dodge the fighting bulls in the so-called “Cortes”

Medina del Campo is a monumental town, although it has been very mistreated. We offer to a brief monumental and historical journey. Nevertheless, there are other suggestive monuments. In fact, Medina del Campo is now one of the most important towns or rural tourism of the region due to its exceptional heritage in history, art, traditions and customs.

La Casa Blanca, country mansion ofDon Rodrigo de Dueñas,built in the 16th Century
La Casa Blanca, country mansion of
Don Rodrigo de Dueñas,
built in the 16th Century
El castillo de la Mota
El castillo de la Mota

Almost all the buildings of artistic interest date from the 16th Century; for instance, the country house called Casa Blanca, the Palacio de Dueñas (Don Rodrigo de Dueñas Manor House) and the Hospital of Simón Ruiz. These buildings were promoted by rich merchant bankers who prospered thanks to the General Fair of the Spanish Kingdom held in Medina del Campo during the 15th and 16th Centuries. The Museum of the Fairs was created to collect all about this great open market, and it is a must-see destination for visitors.

[edit] Medina in the Middle Ages

The word Medina which means “city” in Arabic (Arabic: المدينة‎; alternatively transliterated into English as Madinah), so the origin of Medina may be Muslim; but it is not proved. We know for sure that Medina del Campo was founded on the hill called “La Mota” in the 11th Century, in the same place where the Castle is, and remains of a wall still survive. At the moment, the Mota hill is a suburban area, however in the Middle Ages it was the town centre.

In addition, this hill has archaeological remains such as a stronghold, a medieval village and a Celtic walled settlement dated from 4th century BC (Iron Age).

[edit] El Castillo de la Mota (The Mota Castle)

The word “Mota” refers to an artificial mountain built to defend the castle better, this mound was called in early English: motte. The Mota fortress had a military function and it also was a royal dungeon, notoriously, Cesar Borgia was held prisoner there. The castle was built between the 12th Century and 15th Century. It has a moat with its own drawbridge (today fixed), an outer curtain wall (for artillery), an inner curtain wall (with arrow slits for archers and guards) surrounding a large courtyard (with a chapel), and a great square tower (which is the Keep).

The castle was abandoned and collapsed, but was restored after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). It was the first monumental building in Medina designated as a Heritage Site (Bien de interés cultural).

[edit] The early Walls

Medina was a walled village, and its stronghold was a very important building around the town to protect the people from attacks. The walls date from the 11th Century, and they were enlarged three times, as the population was growing. At present, there are only remains.

[edit] St. Michael’s Church

This church was built beside the wall gate of the old town, opposite the original city hall, which no longer exists. Probably, its entrance hall was the meeting point of the council.

The oldest part of the church is of Mudejar-Gothic style; but was renovated several times. The greater chapel has large dimensions, with Gothic ribbed vault roof and an interesting altarpiece dated from the 16th Century.

In the choir, which is in the west facade, we can admire the magnificent baroque organ, dated from the 18th Century, a recently restored masterpiece.

[edit] Las Reales Carnicerías (the royal butcheries)

This is an ancient market-hall, in Spanish called Mercado de Abastos. It stands on the left bank of the Zapardiel brook. The Reyes Católicos ordered its construction in 1500; it is, therefore, of Renaissance style. Later on, in the reign of Felipe II, it was used for the sale of meat to the citizens. It is very significant because it’s the only historic building of this type, in the whole world, which still maintains its original market function.

[edit] Medina, city of Fairs

Medina del Campo became a famous city in Europe because of its great Fairs during the 15th Century and 16th Century. The streets and squares of the town were an endless colourful marketplace. The main purpose of the early fairs was banking, wool and textile sales, the book market and an enormous variety of goods and trades. As the population grew, the town was developed towards the plain of Zapardiel brook. Since then, the Padilla Street became the business centre of Medina.

[edit] La Calle Padilla (Padilla Street)

This lane connects the Main Square with St. Michael’s Bridge (also called Puente de las Cadenas). This street was named in honour of Don Juan de Padilla, a communard leader of the Castilians in the 16th Century (see Castilian War of the Communities); but earlier was named “Rúa Nueva” (New Road). Padilla Street was the downtown area where numerous banks and jewellery shops settled, and actually some of them still mains.

Whereas the financiers settled in Padilla Street, the other merchants were distributed in the Main Square according to Ordenanzas de Feriantes (Lodging Ordinances).

[edit] La Casa del Peso (The House of Pounds)

This building stands in the Main Square and is built over five elegant arcades with long balcony. It was established in 17th Century in order to keep the "Peso Real" (Royal Weight) and to guarantee the official weights and measures.

[edit] The Royal Palace

This mansion was the residence of the royal family in the time of Fairs. In this palace many historical incidents happened during the 14th and 15th Centuries. The most important episode was the will and death of Isabel la Católica (Queen of Castile), 26 November 1504 (for this reason it is also called Palacio Testamentario, Testamentary Palace).

The Palace was started in the 14th Century and was enlarged both by Don Fernando de Antequera (Lord of Medina del Campo and, afterwards, King of Aragon), as well as by the Reyes Católicos. It was restored three times, in 1601, 1603 and 1673. It was at one time much larger than the present-day building.

[edit] Collegiate Church of San Antolín

This church is almost as large as a cathedral. It is of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. It was constructed between the 16th Century and the 18th century. The central nave and its lateral aisles are of Late Gothic style and it has many chapels, such as the Chapel of Virgen del Pópolo, with a balcony, which was used to celebrate the mass for all the market traders lodged in the Main Square. The Collegiate Church of Medina was restored in 2004 and is once more looking its best.

[edit] Medina del Campo after the Fairs

Between the 17th century and the 19th century it is a time of decline; but the town took off again at the end of the 19th century, thanks to the arrival of the railway, the opening of the military district (the quarter of Marques de la Ensenada), and the opening of the hydrotherapic establishmente of Las Salinas. Furthermore the commercial supply, such as the forniture trade or the opening of shops every Sunday of the year (which is not customary in Spain), the Denominación de Origen of Rueda Spanish Wines.

The main activities of the industrial sector are forniture (example Castill Confort), metal (for instance, MADE S.A., or Ferroaleaciones Españolas SA) the food industry (like Productos Casado and others). As for the service sector, it is has a special place in the history of Medina, due to the tradition of Fairs. Today, many services are offered in the town such as administrative (private and public ones), or trade activities that are gathered in the historical centre of the town (Main Square and Calle Padilla...).

In the 21st century, Medina del Campo has joined to the Local Agenda 21 with the purpose of increasing its economic activities by, among others, raising the quality of life if its inhabitants. In order to do so, five main fields are concerned:

  • Infrastructures: developing new economic areas and attracting foreign enterprises. The creation of a new industrial state called Polígono Industrial Francisco Lobato especially adapted for SMEs or SMB; and another one for big businesses called Polígono Industrial Escaparate.
  • Transport networks: building new facilities for the movement of goods and passengers, including the construction of a segment of the Spanish High Speed Train (AVE) between Madrid and Valladolid.
  • Environment: using open spaces, improving water quality; building new facilities for recycling with several neighbourhood recycling stations; sewage treatment with a wastewater treatment plant... (in order to obey the new European Union environmental norms)
  • Trade innovations:adapting and transforming traditional businesses into modern and innovating ones.
  • Tourism and Culture: transforming its touristic products according to the actual demand.
  • Climate: Most of the land is dry, so, the most important crops are cereals. However, viticulture is important too in the north of the county: Denominación de Origen of Rueda Spanish Wines.
→Annual temperature average: 11.6ºC→Annual range of temperatures: 18.4ºC→Annual precipitations: 392 mm/m²→Dry months: June, July, August and September→Months with average temperatures under 0ºC: none→Climate: Mediterranean Continentalized
→Annual temperature average: 11.6ºC
→Annual range of temperatures: 18.4ºC
→Annual precipitations: 392 mm/m²
→Dry months: June, July, August and September
→Months with average temperatures under 0ºC: none
→Climate: Mediterranean Continentalized

[edit] External links

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Coordinates: 41°18′N, 4°55′W