Media in Ethiopia

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Media in Ethiopia is, in comparison to the length of Ethiopia's over-2,000-year history as a sovereign nation, a very recent phenomenon. The free press came into existence in Ethiopia upon the 1991 overthrow of the Mengistu dictatorship by the EPRDF, and has flourished in the years since, withstanding both scrutiny from the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the ups and downs of Ethiopia's economy. While it has come under pressure from the current government at home, however, the much more affluent and worldly Ethiopian Diaspora abroad has helped further the cause for a free press in Ethiopia, and has also catered to its many extranational communities with news services (both online and off) in both Amharic and English.


[edit] External links

[edit] Press Agencies and Printed Newspapers

[edit] Online News Services

[edit] Blogs

[edit] Forums