Meanings of asteroid names (11001-12000)

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As asteroid discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them. The list below concerns those asteroids in the specified span of numbers that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names. Besides the Minor Planet Circulars (in which the citations are published), a key source is Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Meanings that do not quote a reference (the "†" links) are tentative.

Asteroids not yet given a name have not been included in this list.

Contents: 11001... 11101... 11201... 11301... 11401... 11501... 11601... 11701... 11801... 11901...

Name Provisional Designation Source of Name
11001 Andrewulff 1979 MF André Wulff, German amateur astronomer
11002 Richardlis 1979 MD1 *
11003 Andronov 1979 TT2 *
11004 Stenmark 1980 FJ1 Lars Stenmark, Swedish nanotechnology specialist
11006 Gilson 1980 TZ3 *
11011 KIAM 1981 UK11 Moscow's Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics*
11012 Henning 1982 JH2 *
11013 Kullander 1982 QP1 Sven Kullander, Swedish physicist
11014 Svätopluk 1982 QY1 Svätopluk, king of Great Moravia*
11015 Romanenko 1982 SJ7 Yuri Victorovitch Romanenko, Russian cosmonaut*
11016 Borisov 1982 SG12 Galin Borisov, Bulgarian astronomer*
11017 Billputnam 1983 BD *
11019 Hansrott 1984 HR Hans Rott, Austrian composer
11020 Orwell 1984 OG George Orwell, British writer
11021 Foderà 1986 AT2 Giorgia Foderà Serio, Associate Professor of History of Astronomy at the University of Palermo*
11022 Serio 1986 EJ1 Giorgia Foderà Serio, Associate Professor of History of Astronomy at the University of Palermo*
11027 Astaf'ev 1986 RX5 *
11037 Distler 1989 CD6 *
11039 Raynal 1989 GH2 Guillaume Thomas François Raynal, French historian and philosopher*
11040 Wundt 1989 RG1 Wilhelm Wundt, German physiologist and psychologist*
11041 Fechner 1989 SH2 Gustav Fechner, German experimental psychologist*
11042 Ernstweber 1989 VD1 Ernst Heinrich Weber, German physician*
11043 Pepping 1989 YX6 Ernst Pepping, German composer*
11050 Messiaen 1990 TE7 Olivier Messiaen, French composer, organist, and ornithologist*
11051 Racine 1990 VH12 Jean Racine, French playwright, or René Racine, Canadian astronomer*
11055 Honduras 1991 GT2 Honduras*
11056 Volland 1991 LE2 Hans Volland, German astronomer*
11061 Lagerlöf 1991 RS40 Selma Lagerlöf, Swedish author, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909*
11063 Poynting 1991 VC6 John Henry Poynting, English physicist*
11064 Dogen 1991 WB *
11066 Sigurd 1992 CC1 *
11067 Greenancy 1992 DC3 *
11072 Hiraoka 1992 GP *
11073 Cavell 1992 RA4 Edith Cavell, English nurse who was executed by the Germans in World War I*
11074 Kuniwake 1992 SC1 *
11075 Dönhoff 1992 SP26 Countess Marion Dönhoff (Marion Hedda Ilse, Gräfin Dönhoff), German journalist and Hitler resistance participant
11079 Mitsunori 1993 AJ *
11083 Caracas 1993 RZ6 Caracas, Venezuela*
11084 Giò 1993 SG3 Nickname of Giuseppe Schilirò, Italian student
11085 Isala 1993 SS6 *
11086 Nagatayuji 1993 TC1 *
11087 Yamasakimakoto 1993 TK1 *
11090 Popelin 1994 CT12 Claudius Popelin, French poet*
11091 Thelonious 1994 DP Thelonious Sphere Monk, jazz pianist and composer*
11092 Iwakisan 1994 ED *
11094 Cuba 1994 PG17 Cuba*
11095 Havana 1994 PJ22 Havana, Cuba*
11098 Ginsberg 1995 GC2 *
11099 Sonodamasaki 1995 HL *
11100 Lai 1995 KC *
11101 Českáfilharmonie 1995 SH Czech Philharmonic Orchestra*
11102 Bertorighini 1995 SZ4 Alberto Righini, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Florence and Arcetri Observatory
11103 Miekerouppe 1995 SX19 Mieke Rouppe, member of the Dutch resistance in The Hague in World War II
11104 Airion 1995 TQ *
11105 Puchnarová 1995 UR2 Dana Puchnarová, Czech painter and graphic artist
11107 Hakkoda 1995 UU4 *
11108 Hachimantai 1995 UJ6 *
11109 Iwatesan 1995 UG8 *
11111 Repunit 1995 WL A repunit ("repeated unity") is a number consisting solely of the digit 1. The term was coined by Albert H. Beiler in his 1964 book Recreations in the Theory of Numbers
11112 Cagnoli 1995 WM2 Antonio Cagnoli, 18th-19th century Italian astronomer, who helped establish the Società Italiana ("Italian Society"), a.k.a. the Società dei XL ("Society of the Forty"), ancestor of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL ("National Academy of Sciences known as the Forty")
11115 Kariya 1995 WC7 *
11118 Modra 1996 PK Astronomické observatórium Modra-Piesok (Astronomical Observatory of Modra-Piesok), near Modra, Slovakia
11119 Taro 1996 PS9 *
11120 Pancaldi 1996 QD1 *
11121 Malpighi 1996 RD1 Marcello Malpighi, Italian physiologist*
11122 Eliscolombini 1996 RQ2 *
11123 Aliciaclaire 1996 RT24 *
11124 Mikulášek 1996 TR9 Zdeněk Mikulášek, Czech astronomer
11126 Doleček 1996 TC15 *
11127 Hagi 1996 UH1 *
11128 Ostravia 1996 VP Latin name for Ostrava, Czech Republic
11129 Hayachine 1996 VS5 *
11132 Horne 1996 WU *
11133 Kumotori 1996 XY *
11134 České Budějovice 1996 XO2 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
11135 Ryokami 1996 XF3 *
11136 Shirleymarinus 1996 XW12 *
11137 Yarigatake 1996 XE19 *
11138 Hotakadake 1996 XC31 *
11140 Yakedake 1997 AP1 Yakedake volcano, Japan
11141 Jindrawalter 1997 AX14 Jindřich Walter, Czech physicist
11142 Facchini 1997 AP17 *
11144 Radiocommunicata 1997 CR1 Radio communication, in honour of the Kleť broadcasting tower staff
11145 Emanuelli 1997 QH1 Pio Emanuelli, Italian astronomer
11146 Kirigamine 1997 WD3 Kirigamine, one of the 100 most celebrated mountains of Japan
11147 Delmas 1997 XT5 *
11148 Einhardress 1997 XO8 *
11149 Tateshina 1997 XZ9 Tateshina volcano, one of the 100 most celebrated mountains of Japan
11150 Bragg 1997 YG1 Sir William Henry Bragg, English physicist*
11151 Oodaigahara 1997 YZ2 Oodaigahara, one of the 100 celebrated mounatins of Japan, in the National Park of Yoshino-Kumano and a UNESCO world heritage site
11152 Oomine 1997 YH5 Oomine mountain chain, in the middle of the Kii peninsula, in the National Park of Yoshino-Kumano, one of the 100 celebrated mountains of Japan, a UNESCO world heritage site
11154 Kobushi 1997 YD10 Kobushi, one of the 100 most celebrated mountains in Japan, in the Oku-Chichibu area, stretching over the three states of Kōshū, Bushu, and Shinshu
11155 Kinpu 1997 YW13 Kinpu, one of the 100 most celebrated mountains of Japan, in the Oku-Chichibu area
11156 Al-Khwarismi 1997 YP14 Al-Khwarizmi, Persian scientist*
11158 Cirou 1998 AJ6 *
11159 Mizugaki 1998 BH1 *
11161 Daibosatsu 1998 BA8 *
11163 Milešovka 1998 CR Milešovka, the highest mountain in the Bohemian Highlands (Czech České středohoří), on the occasion of 100 years of observations from the meteorological observatory there
11166 Anatolefrance 1998 DF34 Anatole France, French writer
11167 Kunžak 1998 FD3 Kunžak, a village with a little observatory in south Bohemia, the Czech Republic*
11169 Alkon 1998 FW33 Family name of a Ceres Connection program winner's grandfather*
11173 Jayanderson 1998 FA59 *
11174 Carandrews 1998 FR67 *
11176 Batth 1998 FD68 *
11184 Postma 1998 HJ9 Sep Postma, member of the Dutch resistance in World War II
11187 Richoliver 1998 KO4 *
11189 Rabeaton 1998 QQ43 *
11190 Jennibell 1998 RM52 *
11191 Paskvić 1998 XW16 Ivan Paskvić (Paquich Ja'nos), Croatian founder and director of the Buda Observatory on St. Gellért's Hill, built by Nagyszombat University after its move
11193 Mérida 1998 XN96 *
11194 Mirna 1998 YE Mirna river, Croatia
11195 Woomera 1999 AY22 Woomera, South Australia
11196 Michanikos 1999 BO9 *
11197 Beranek 1999 CY25 *
11201 Talich 1999 EL5 *
11202 Teddunham 1999 FA10 *
11203 Danielbetten 1999 FV26 Daniel Betten, American finalist, 2002 Exxon-Mobil Texas Science & Engineering Fair (TSEF), and American Meteorological Society Award winner?*
11206 Bibee 1999 FR29 *
11207 Black 1999 FQ58 *
11212 Tebbutt 1999 HS John Tebbutt, Australian astronomer*
11219 Benbohn 1999 JN20 *
11225 Borden 1999 JD36 *
11227 Ksenborisova 1999 JR43 *
11228 Botnick 1999 JW49 *
11229 Brookebowers 1999 JX52 *
11238 Johanmaurits 2044 P-L Duke Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, Dutch humanist who governed Dutch Brazil in the 17th century
11239 Marcgraf 4141 P-L Georg Marcgraf, Dutch astronomer who studied the southern skies from Brazil in the 17th century
11240 Piso 4175 P-L Willem Piso, Dutch physician who studied the flora and fauna of Brazil in the 17th century
11241 Eckhout 6792 P-L Albert Eckhout, Dutch painter who took part in an expedition to Brazil in the 17th century
11242 Franspost 2144 T-1 Frans Post, Dutch painter, one of the first European artists active in the Americas in the 17th century
11246 Orvillewright 4250 T-3 Orville Wright, American aviator
11247 Wilburwright 4280 T-3 Wilbur Wright, American aviator
11248 Blériot 4354 T-3 Louis Blériot, French aviator
11249 Etna 1971 FD Mount Etna, Sicily*
11251 Icarion 1973 SN1 *
11252 Laërtes 1973 SA2 Laërtês, Argonaut, son of Arcesius and father of Odysseus*
11253 Mesyats 1976 UP2 *
11254 Konkohekisui 1977 DL2 *
11255 Fujiiekio 1977 DC4 *
11257 Rodionta 1978 TP2 *
11258 Aoyama 1978 VP1 *
11264 Claudiomaccone 1979 UC4 Claudio Maccone, Italian scientist at the Alenia Spazio in Turin, participant in the design of several scientific space missions
11268 Spassky 1985 UF5 Boris Spassky, Russian chess player*
11269 Knyr 1987 QG10 *
11277 Ballard 1988 TW2 *
11278 Telesio 1989 SD3 *
11280 Sakurai 1989 TY10 *
11282 Hanakusa 1989 UY2 *
11284 Belenus 1990 BA Belenus, Celtic god*
11289 Frescobaldi 1991 PA2 Girolamo Frescobaldi, Italian composer*
11292 Bunjisuzuki 1991 RC28 Suzuki Bunji, Japanese founder of the Nippon Rodo Sodomei (Japanese Work Federation)*
11298 Gide 1992 RE6 André Gide, French author*
11299 Annafreud 1992 SA22 Anna Freud, Austrian psychoanalyst*
11302 Rubicon 1993 BM5 Rubicon, ancient Latin name for a small river in northern Italy*
11309 Malus 1993 PC7 Apple and crabapple trees, genus Malus*
11311 Peleus 1993 XN2 Pēleús, son of Aeacus, King of Aegina*
11313 Kügelgen 1994 GE10 *
11314 Charcot 1994 NR1 Jean-Martin Charcot, French neurologist*
11315 Salpêtrière 1994 NS1 Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris*
11316 Fuchitatsuo 1994 TR3 *
11317 Hitoshi 1994 TX12 *
11321 Tosimatumoto 1995 DE1 Toshikazu Matsumoto, Japanese amateur astronomer
11322 Aquamarine 1995 QT *
11323 Nasu 1995 QC2 *
11324 Hayamizu 1995 QQ3 *
11325 Slavický 1995 SG *
11326 Ladislavschmied 1995 SL Ladislav Schmied, Czech amateur astronomer
11332 Jameswatt 1996 GO20 James Watt, Scottish mathematician and engineer*
11333 Forman 1996 HU *
11334 Rio de Janeiro 1996 HM18 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11335 Santiago 1996 HW23 Santiago, Chile
11337 Sandro 1996 PG1 *
11338 Schiele 1996 TL9 Egon Schiele, Austrian painter
11339 Orlík 1996 VM5 Orlík, castle in South Bohemia, Czech Republic
11341 Babbage 1996 XE2 Charles Babbage, British computer pioneer
11348 Allegra 1997 BG9 *
11349 Witten 1997 JH16 Louis or Edward Witten, American physicists*
11350 Teresa 1997 QN4 *
11352 Koldewey 1997 WP22 Robert Koldewey, German architect and archaeologist*
11353 Guillaume 1997 XX5 *
11356 Chuckjones 1997 YA Charles Martin "Chuck" Jones, American animator, artist, screenwriter, producer, and director of animated films*
11359 Piteglio 1998 BP24 Piteglio, a village in Tuscany
11360 Formigine 1998 DL14 *
11363 Vives 1998 EB12 *
11364 Karlštejn 1998 FB3 *
11365 NASA 1998 FK126 NASA
11369 Brazelton 1998 QE33 *
11370 Nabrown 1998 QD35 *
11371 Camley 1998 QO38 *
11373 Carbonaro 1998 QG49 *
11374 Briantaylor 1998 QU60 *
11376 Taizomuta 1998 SY5 *
11377 Nye 1998 SH59 *
11378 Dauria 1998 SV60 *
11379 Flaubert 1998 SY74 Gustave Flaubert, French author*
11384 Sartre 1998 SW143 Jean-Paul Sartre, French writer and philosopher*
11385 Beauvoir 1998 SP147 Simone de Beauvoir, French author, philosopher, and feminist*
11400 Raša 1999 AT21 Raša river, Croatia
11401 Pierralba 1999 AF25 *
11404 Wittig 1999 BX4 Sigmar Wittig, German chairman of the Executive Board of the German Aerospace Center, head of the Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery at the University of Karlsruhe, vice-president of the German Research Foundation and chair of the European Space Agency Council
11406 Ucciocontin 1999 CY14 Aurelio (Uccio) Contin, Croatian pharmacist, amateur scientist, diver and naturalist
11409 Horkheimer 1999 FD9 Jack Horkheimer, American astronomer popularizer
11413 Catanach 1999 JG21 Therese Ann Catanach, American finalist, 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)*
11414 Allanchu 1999 JU26 Allan Chu, American finalist, 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)*
11417 Chughtai 1999 JW117 *
11419 Donjohnson 1999 KS2 Don Johnson, American actor*
11421 Cardano 1999 LW2 Gerolamo Cardano (a.k.a. Jérôme Cardan), Italian mathematician, physician, astrologer, and gambler*
11422 Alilienthal 1999 LD7 Alfred Lilienthal, Jewish author, or Alfred Lilienthal, businessman in Berlin in the 1930s, or Andor Lilienthal, Soviet chess player?*
11423 Cronin 1999 LT24 *
11425 Wearydunlop 1999 MF Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop, Australian surgeon*
11428 Alcinoös 4139 P-L Alcinoös, King of the Phaiacians, father of Nausicaa*
11429 Demodokus 4655 P-L Demodokus, blind minstrel in the Odyssey*
11438 Zel'dovich 1973 QR1 Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich, Soviet physicist*
11442 Seijin-Sanso 1976 UN14 *
11444 Peshekhonov 1978 QA2 Vladimir Grigor'evich Peshekhonov, Russian specialist in naval and space navigation, director of the Central Scientific Research Institute "Electropribor", St. Petersburg ]
11445 Fedotov 1978 SC7 *
11446 Betankur 1978 TO8 *
11449 Stephwerner 1979 QP Stephanie C. Werner, German geophysicist and areologist
11450 Shearer 1979 QJ1 Andrew Shearer, Irish astrophysicist
11451 Aarongolden 1979 QR1 Aaron Golden, Irish astrophysicist
11473 Barbaresco 1982 SC *
11480 Velikij Ustyug 1986 RW5 Velikii Ustyug, Russia*
11481 Znannya 1987 WO1 *
11484 Daudet 1988 DF2 Alphonse Daudet, French novelist*
11485 Zinzendorf 1988 RW3 *
11492 Shimose 1988 VR3 *
11494 Hibiki 1988 VM9 Sea of Hibiki, between the Fukuoka and Yamaguchi prefectures
11495 Fukunaga 1988 XR *
11496 Grass 1989 AG7 *
11498 Julgeerts 1989 GS4 *
11499 Duras 1989 RL Marguerite Duras (Marguerite Donnadieu), French writer and film director*
11504 Kazo 1990 BT *
11506 Toulouse-Lautrec 1990 ES1 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter*
11508 Stolte 1990 TF13 *
11509 Thersilochos 1990 VL6 Thersilochos, a Paione slain by Achilles during the Trojan war*
11510 Borges 1990 VV8 Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer*
11514 Tsunenaga 1991 CO1 *
11518 Jung 1991 GB3 Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist*
11519 Adler 1991 GZ4 Alfred Adler, Austrian medical doctor and psychologist*
11520 Fromm 1991 GE8 Erich Fromm, German-American psychologist and humanistic philosopher*
11521 Erikson 1991 GE9 Erik Homburger Erikson, Danish-German psychologist and psychoanalyst*
11524 Pleyel 1991 PY2 Ignaz Pleyel, Austrian composer and piano maker*
11528 Mie 1991 XH Gustav Mie, German physicist*
11530 d'Indy 1992 CP2 *
11537 Guericke 1992 HY6 Otto von Guericke, German scientist, inventor, and politician*
11545 Hashimoto 1992 UE4 *
11547 Griesser 1992 UP8 Markus Griesser, Swiss amateur astronomer
11548 Jerrylewis 1992 WD8 Jerry Lewis, American comedian*
11552 Boucolion 1993 BD4 *
11554 Asios 1993 BZ12 *
11569 Virgilsmith 1993 KB2 *
11571 Daens 1993 OR8 *
11572 Schindler 1993 RM7 Oskar Schindler, German businessman*
11573 Helmholtz 1993 SK3 Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, German physician and physicist*
11574 d'Alviella 1994 BP3 *
11579 Tsujitsuka 1994 JN *
11580 Bautzen 1994 JG4 Bautzen, Germany*
11581 Philipdejager 1994 PK9 *
11582 Bleuler 1994 PC14 *
11583 Breuer 1994 PZ28 *
11584 Ferenczi 1994 PP39 Sándor Ferenczi, Hungarian psychoanalyst
11588 Gottfriedkeller 1994 UZ12 Gottfried Keller, Swiss poet*
11592 Clintkelly 1995 FA7 *
11593 Uchikawa 1995 HK *
11595 Monsummano 1995 KN Monsummano Terme, a village in Northern Tuscany
11598 Kubík 1995 OJ *
11600 Cipolla 1995 SQ2 *
11605 Ranfagni 1995 UP6 *
11606 Almary 1995 UU6 Piero Ranfagni, technician at Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory; on the staff of the TIRGO Telescope and in the project office of the Large Binocular Telescope
11612 Obu 1995 YZ1 *
11614 Istropolitana 1996 AD2 Universitas Istropolitana (Academia Istropolitana), Bratislava, Slovakia*
11615 Naoya 1996 AE4 *
11621 Duccio 1996 PJ5 *
11622 Samuele 1996 RD4 Samuele Marconi, amateur astronomer at the Pian dei Termini Observatory in San Marcello Pistoiese*
11623 Kagekatu 1996 TC10 *
11625 Francelinda 1996 UL1 Francesca and Linda Tesi, grandaughters of the co-discoverer Luciano Tesi
11636 Pezinok 1996 YH1 *
11637 Yangjiachi 1996 YJ2 *
11652 Johnbrownlee 1997 CK13 John W. Brownlee, planetary geologist, who worked on Mars Pathfinder and the Catalina Sky Survey
11656 Lipno 1997 EL6 Lipno dam, South Bohemia, Czech Republic
11657 Antonhajduk 1997 EN7 Anton Hajduk, Slovak astronomer*
11664 Kashiwagi 1997 GX24 *
11665 Dirichlet 1997 GL28 Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, German mathematician*
11666 Bracker 1997 MD8 Steve Bracker, astronomy computer programmer*
11667 Testa 1997 UB1 Augusto Testa, Italian amateur astronomer
11668 Balios 1997 VV1 *
11669 Pascalscholl 1997 XY8 *
11670 Fountain 1998 AU9 *
11672 Cuney 1998 BC15 *
11673 Baur 1998 BJ19 Johann M. Baur, German amateur astronomer, founder of the Chaonis Observatory in northern Italy
11675 Billboyle 1998 CP2 *
11678 Brevard 1998 DT10 *
11679 Brucebaker 1998 DE11 *
11682 Shiwaku 1998 EX6 *
11685 Adamcurry 1998 FW19 Adam Curry, American broadcaster*
11688 Amandugan 1998 FG53 *
11690 Carodulaney 1998 FV60 *
11691 Easterwood 1998 FO66 *
11693 Grantelliott 1998 FE69 *
11694 Esterhuysen 1998 FO70 *
11695 Mattei 1998 FA74 Janet Akyüz Mattei, American astronomer, for her leadership of the AAVSO
11696 Capen 1998 FD74 *
11697 Estrella 1998 FX98 Allan Noriel Estrella, Filipino student, winner of the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) +
11698 Fichtelman 1998 FZ102 *
11702 Mifischer 1998 FE117 *
11703 Glassman 1998 FL121 *
11704 Gorin 1998 FZ130 *
11707 Grigery 1998 HW17 *
11709 Eudoxos 1998 HF20 Eudoxus*
11710 Nataliehale 1998 HS34 *
11711 Urquiza 1998 HV50 *
11712 Kemcook 1998 HB51 *
11713 Stubbs 1998 HG51 *
11714 Mikebrown 1998 HQ51 Michael E. Brown, astronomer*
11715 Harperclark 1998 HA75 *
11716 Amahartman 1998 HY79 Amanda Nicole Hartman, American Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2002 grantee [1]*
11718 Hayward 1998 HD95 Nicholas Mark Edward Alexander Hayward, British Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2002 grantee [2]*
11719 Hicklen 1998 HT98 *
11720 Horodyskyj 1998 HZ99 Ulyana N. Horodyskyj, American Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2002 grantee [3]*
11724 Ronaldhsu 1998 HH146 Ronald Hsu, American Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2002 grantee [4]*
11725 Victoriahsu 1998 HM146 Victoria Hsu, American Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2002 grantee [5]*
11726 Edgerton 1998 JA *
11727 Sweet 1998 JM1 *
11728 Einer 1998 JC2 *
11730 Yanhua 1998 KO31 *
11736 Viktorfischl 1998 QS1 Viktor Fischl Avigdor Dagan, Czech-Israeli writer
11739 Baton Rouge 1998 SG27 Baton Rouge, Louisiana*
11740 Georgesmith 1998 UK6 *
11743 Jachowski 1999 JP130 *
11746 Thomjansen 1999 NG4 *
11753 Geoffburbidge 2064 P-L Geoffrey Ronald Burbidge, British-American physicist*
11754 Herbig 2560 P-L George H. Herbig, American astronomer*
11755 Paczynski 2691 P-L Bohdan Paczynski, Polish astronomer (link is in Polish)
11756 Geneparker 2779 P-L Eugene Parker, American astronomer*
11757 Salpeter 2799 P-L Edwin Ernest Salpeter, Austrian astronomer*
11758 Sargent 4035 P-L Wallace Sargent, American astronomer*
11759 Sunyaev 4075 P-L Rashid Sunyaev, Uzbek astrophysicist*
11771 Maestlin 4136 T-2 Michael Maestlin, German astronomer*
11772 Jacoblemaire 4210 T-2 Jacob Le Maire, Dutch explorer, after whom the Straits of Lemaire are named; he was, along with Schouten, one of the first westerners to visit Tonga
11773 Schouten 1021 T-3 Willem Schouten, Dutch explorer who discovered Cape Horn
11774 Jerne 1128 T-3 Niels Kaj Jerne, British-born (of Danish parentage) immunologist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology*
11775 Köhler 3224 T-3 Georges J. F. Kohler, German biologist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology*
11776 Milstein 3460 T-3 César Milstein, Argentinian biochemist, joint winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology*
11777 Hargrave 3526 T-3 *
11778 Kingsford Smith 4102 T-3 Sir Charles Edward Kingsford Smith, Australian aviator*
11779 Zernike 4197 T-3 Frits Zernike, Dutch physicist, winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for Physics
11781 Alexroberts 1966 PL Alexander William Roberts, Scottish-South African astronomer
11785 Migaic 1973 AW3 *
11786 Bakhchivandji 1977 QW *
11787 Baumanka 1977 QF1 *
11788 Nauchnyj 1977 QN2 Nauchnyj, Crimea, Ukraine, created at the same time as the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1945
11789 Kempowski 1977 RK *
11790 Goode 1978 RU *
11791 Sofiyavarzar 1978 SH7 *
11792 Sidorovsky 1978 SX7 *
11793 Chujkovia 1978 TH7 *
11795 Fredrikbruhn 1979 QM1 Fredrik Bruhn, Swedish systems engineer specialised in miniaturisation and robotics, co-founder of Rotundus AB +
11796 Nirenberg 1980 DS4 *
11797 Warell 1980 FV2 Johan Warell, Swedish astronomer
11798 Davidsson 1980 FH5 Björn Davidsson, Swedish astronomer
11823 Christen 1981 VF *
11826 Yurijgromov 1982 UR10 *
11827 Wasyuzan 1982 VD5 *
11830 Jessenius 1984 JE Ján Jesenský ('Jessenius'), Czech physician
11833 Dixon 1985 RW Roger Dixon, staff physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory*
11836 Eileen 1986 CB *
11842 Kap'bos 1987 BR1 *
11847 Winckelmann 1988 BY2 *
11849 Fauvel 1988 CF7 *
11852 Shoumen 1988 RD *
11853 Runge 1988 RV1 *
11854 Ludwigrichter 1988 RM3 *
11855 Preller 1988 RS3 *
11860 Uedasatoshi 1988 UP Satoshi Ueda, Japanese amateur astronomer
11868 Kleinrichert 1989 TY Michelle Kleinrichert Binzel, American adjunct professor of business management at Bentley College, wife of the discoverer
11870 Sverige 1989 TC3 Swedish name for Sweden*
11871 Norge 1989 TP7 Norwegian name for Norway*
11874 Gringauz 1989 XD1 Konstantin Iosifovich Gringauz, Russian solar physicist*
11876 Doncarpenter 1990 EM1 *
11881 Mirstation 1990 QO6 Mir space station*
11886 Kraske 1990 TT10 *
11887 Echemmon 1990 TV12 *
11895 Dehant 1991 GU3 *
11896 Camelbeeck 1991 GP6 Thierry Camelbeeck, Belgian astronomer*
11897 Lemaire 1991 GC7 *
11898 Dedeyn 1991 GM9 *
11899 Weill 1991 GJ10 *
11900 Spinoy 1991 LV2 *
11905 Giacometti 1991 VL6 Alberto Giacometti, Italian surrealist sculptor and painter*
11911 Angel 1992 LF *
11912 Piedade 1992 OP5 *
11913 Svarna 1992 RD3 *
11914 Sinachopoulos 1992 RZ3 *
11915 Nishiinoue 1992 SJ1 Tsuyoshi Nishiinoue, Japanese scholar and popularizer of astronomy
11916 Wiesloch 1992 ST17 Wiesloch, Germany*
11921 Mitamasahiro 1992 UN3 *
11928 Akimotohiro 1993 BT2 *
11929 Uchino 1993 BG3 *
11930 Osamu 1993 CJ1 *
11933 Himuka 1993 ES *
11941 Archinal 1993 KT1 *
11942 Guettard 1993 NV Jean-Étienne Guettard, French naturalist and mineralogist*
11943 Davidhartley 1993 OF9 David Hartley, English philosopher*
11944 Shaftesbury 1993 OK9 Shaftesbury, England, or, (the most likely candidate, given his significance in British history) Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, English philanthropist; the 3rd Earl Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, English politician and philosopher, is possible but a less likely candidate*
11945 Amsterdam 1993 PC5 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
11946 Bayle 1993 PB7 Pierre Bayle, French philosopher*
11947 Kimclijsters 1993 PK7 Kim Clijsters, Belgian tennis player
11948 Justinehénin 1993 QQ4 Justine Hénin-Hardenne, Belgian tennis player
11949 Kagayayutaka 1993 SD2 *
11950 Morellet 1993 SG5 André Morellet, French economist, philosopher, and writer*
11955 Russrobb 1994 CA1 Russell Robb, Canadian astronomer
11956 Tamarakate 1994 CL14 *
11958 Galiani 1994 EJ7 *
11959 Okunokeno 1994 GG1 *
11963 Ignace 1994 PO16 *
11964 Prigogine 1994 PY17 Ilya Prigogine, Belgian-Russian chemist*
11966 Plateau 1994 PJ20 *
11967 Boyle 1994 PW20 Robert Boyle, Irish natural philosopher*
11968 Demariotte 1994 PR27 *
11969 Gay-Lussac 1994 PC37 Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac, French chemist and physicist*
11970 Palitzsch 1994 TD Johann Georg Palitzsch, German astronomer
11974 Yasuhidefujita 1994 YF Yasuhide Fujita, Japanese amateur astronomer*
11976 Josephthurn 1995 JG *
11978 Makotomasako 1995 SS4 *
11980 Ellis 1995 SP8 Kerry Ellis, Canadian physicist
11981 Boncompagni 1995 UY1 Balthasar Boncompagni, Italian mathematician*
11987 Yonematsu 1995 VU1 *
11997 Fassel 1995 YU9 Deborah and Charles Fassel, Canadian amateur astronomers
11998 Fermilab 1996 AG7 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
Preceded by
Meanings of asteroid names
List of asteroids (11001-12000)
Succeeded by