From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MDM may stand for:
- multiplexer-demultiplexer
- MDM Observatory, an optical astronomical observatory on Kitt Peak, adjacent to the Kitt Peak National Observatory
- Mere Dead Men, a British punk band
- Master Data Management, a discipline in Information Technology that focuses on the management of reference or master data that is shared by several disparate IT systems and groups
- MDM-1 Fox, Edward Margański, Dunowska, Jerzy Makula
- Marszałkowska Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa, a neighbourhood in Warsaw with socialist realism architecture
- Modern Digital Militia, a Canadian Industrial Band
- machine debug manager
- Movimento Democrático de Mulheres (Women's Democratic Movement), a Portuguese communist influenced feminist movement
- modular digital multitrack recording, like ADAT
- "Market-dominant minority," a term coined by Amy Chua in her book World on Fire
- MDM Laboratory, National Italian Laboratory on Materials and Devices for Microelectronics
- MDM also refers to the Mississippi Drum Machine, a wooden percussion music instrument (as played by Seasick Steve).
- Mobile Device Manager, software solution from Fromdistance Ltd