Mc-255 shotgun
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The Mc-255 is a 5 shot revolving shotgun, produced in a variety of gauges. It is highly similar to the Russian made MTs255 produced by the TsKIB SOO Central Design and Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Arms. While the Russian made guns are available in 20, 28, 32 and .410 gauge little information is available concerning the Mc-255. It is a fairly ugly weapon and lacks the grace and lines of some other revolving shotguns, namely the Colt Model 1885 revolving shotgun, or even the somewhat ungainly Roper revolving shotgun. The Mc-255 is unique in that the forearm extends nearly all the way back to the cylinder. It is has been impossible to discern how the weapon is loaded, whether by "breaking" the gun, or by swinging the cylinder out. Due to the forces involved with shotgun loads, and because it is more traditional, it seems likely that the gun is broken open and loaded thus.