User:Maxwell's Demon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] About Me

According to the description given by the countering systemic bias project, I am part of the bias that afflicts the Wikipedia - I'm a European, english-speaking male with a strong interest in physics and computers.

I have been using Wikipedia for about 2 years, after discovering it via Slashdot. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, but now I see it as a real gem of the Internet - it is definately one of the "life enhancing" things people promised the Internet would deliver.

[edit] "Maxwell's Demon"

The name "Maxwell's Demon" comes from my background in physics. The Demon is an imaginary character invented by Scottish physicist James Clark Maxwell to demonstrate a possible violation of the Second law of thermodynamics.

Strangely, although I studied thermodynamics as part of my degree, "Maxwell's Demon" was never mentioned in any of the lectures. Actually, I shouldn't be surprised by this, given that the lectures were of a very poor quality.

[edit] My Contributions

Here are the articles I've contributed to. The nature of the contribution varies from correcting minor typographical errors to adding significant new information or significant re-writing.

I tend to edit articles I have read for my own interest and not because they fall within my skills profile, hobbies, etc. So, while I'm a qualified physicist and work as a software engineer, I don't contribute in those areas, but instead in areas I just happen to be interested in at the time. Hence the eclectic mix below.

[edit] Articles I Created

[edit] Articles I've Edited

[edit] Anonymous Contributions

Before creating the "Maxwell's Demon" account, I edited many articles, most of which I don't remember now, but here are some I do recall contributing to anonymously: