[edit] Orphans
Coyote near the mouth of Titus Canyon in Death Valley
Creosotebush near Split Cinder Cone
Bear Poppy above Mesquite Springs
Bear poppy with insect (above Mesquite Springs)
Cactus in snow above Charcoal Kilns
Chowa cactus above Mesquite Springs
Cotton Top Cactus above Mesquite Springs
Desert Gold at Cinder Hill
Desert pavement on alluvial fan of Hanaupah Canyon
Desert Trumpet at the mouth of Mosaic Canyon
Goldcarpet at Artists Palette wash
Indian Paintbrush at Leadfield ghost town
Juniper above Charcoal Kilns
Notch-leaf phacelia in Titus Canyon
Death Valley after a spring rain storm
Panamint Range looking toward Telescope Peak
Petrogylphs in Titus Canyon
Petrogylphs in Titus Canyon
Petrogylphs in Titus Canyon
Recombent fold in Titus Canyon
Rock nettle at the mouth of Mosaic Canyon
Salt crack at Devil's Golf Course near Salt Creek.JPG
Salt Creek at Middle Basin
Salt Creek within Devil's Golf Course
Salt crystalization at Devil's Golf Course
Salt crystalization between saucers in Devil's Golf Course
Sedimentary stone with different colors at Artists Palette
Salt saucers within larger hexagon
Snow on the Panamints seen from Furnace Creek campsite
Split cinder cone with Shoreline Butte in background
Trace fossils seen above Mesquite Springs
Butterfly at the mouth of Mosaic Canyon
Ventifact at Ventifact Ridge
[edit] Images that already have homes
Petroglyphs above Mesquite Springs
Zabriskie Point panarama at sunrise
Badwater Basin from Dante's View
Cut and fill at the mouth of Mosaic Canyon
Death Valley Pupfish spawning in Salt Creek
Devil's Golf Course near Salt Creek
Fanglomerate seem above Mesquite Springs
Blister Beetle seen above Mesquite Springs
Sphinx moth on rock nettle in Mosaic Canyon
Trilobite seen above Mesquite Springs
Zabriskie Point at sunrise
Ventifact at Ventifact Ridge
Ventifact at Ventifact Ridge