Mavin Foundation

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Mavin Foundation is a community organization which seeks to build “healthy communities that celebrate and empower mixed heritage people and families.”[1] Located in Seattle, WA, Mavin has been recognized nationally for its work toward a society inclusive of those in the mixed heritage community. Mavin’s current projects include Mavin Magazine, The Generation MIX National Awareness Tour, and The MatchMaker Bone Marrow Project.

In 2004, The Association of MultiEthnic Americans and Mavin partnered to launch The National Mixed Heritage Resource Center, a national clearing house of information related to mixed race and transrascial adoption issues.[2]


[edit] History

MAVIN initially began in 1998 as a "national magazine dedicated to the mixed race experience." The magazine was named MAVIN (Yiddish for one who understands) by then Wesleyan University freshman Matt Kelley. In 2000, the magazine became a 501(c)3 nonprofit, intent on expanding their programming to further impact the social and political state of the mixed heritage community.

[edit] Timeline[3]

  • 4/28/1998: Matt Kelley announces, Mavin, a magazine for mixed race young people.
  • 1/29/1999: Mavin publishes its first issue.
  • 2/14/2000: The magazine transitions into the nonprofit Mavin Foundation.
  • 7/1/2003: Mavin publishes the Multiracial Child Resource Book.
  • 2/28/2006: Mavin founder Matt Kelley steps down and is succeeded by Anne Katahira-Sims.

[edit] External links

[edit] Articles

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