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The "Maulotaur

The Maulotaur is an enemy creature from the Heretic-HeXen series of computer games. Maulotaurs greatly resemble the mythological Minotaur, except that they wield giant hammers or "mauls" which they use to smash their enemies into a pulp. In addition, they have several ranged attacks: one is a scatter of small, flaming pellets summoned with a side-swipe of its hammer, another is the ability to summon serpent-like flames that crawl along the ground in a line formation directed towards the player. The third of his ranged attacks is to gore the player from a distance, during which the Maulotaur is invulnerable. Maulotaurs have 3000 HP, and are somewhat considered Heretic's equivalent to the Cyberdemon of the Doom series.

Maulotaurs also appear in the sequel to Heretic, HeXen: Beyond Heretic, as summonable creatures that will fight for the player, created by an artifact known as the "Dark Servant." The Maulotaur will attack enemies without question, but each summoned Maulotaur fades from existence after roughly 30 seconds. Also, they have notoriously bad aim, and will not consider withdrawing their attack even if the player is directly between them and their target, which could consequently kill the player due to accidental friendly fire.