Maule Region

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Map of Maule Region of Chile and Seal, below
Map of Maule Region of Chile and Seal, below
Seal of Maule Region

The Maule Region (Chile's seventh administrative region from north to south) is made up of four provinces. Its capital is the city of Talca. The region takes its name from the Maule river, which running westward from the Andes, bisects the region and spans a basin of about 20,600 km². The Maule river is of considerable historic interest because, among other reasons, marked the southern limits of the Inca Empire.


[edit] Geography

The region covers an area of 30,296 km2 and is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean; on the east by the Argentine Republic; on the north by the O'Higgins Region, and on the south by the Bío-Bío Region.

[edit] Demography

According to the 2002 Census the population of the region was 908,097. With one third of its population living in rural areas, Maule has a greater proportion of rural inhabitants than any other region of Chile.

[edit] Political and Administrative Division of Maule Region

The four provinces of the Region are:

Province Surface
in km2
Population Capital
Curicó 7,281 244,053 Curicó
Talca 9,961 352,966 Talca
Linares 10,050 253,990 Linares
Cauquenes 3,027 57,088 Cauquenes

The provinces of the Maule Region are divided into "comunas". In total there are 30 of them.

Political & Administrative Division of Maule Region, Chile
province Capital city Comuna
Cauquenes Cauquenes 1 Cauquenes
2 Chanco
3 Pelluhue
Curicó Curicó 4 Curicó
5 Hualañé
6 Licantén
7 Molina
8 Rauco
9 Romeral
10 Sagrada Familia
11 Teno
12 Vichuquén
Linares Linares 13 Colbún
14 Linares
15 Longaví
16 Parral
17 Retiro
18 San Javier de Loncomilla
19 Villa Alegre
20 Yerbas Buenas
Talca Talca 21 Constitución
22 Curepto
23 Empedrado
24 Maule
25 Pelarco
26 Pencahue
27 Río Claro
28 San Clemente
29 San Rafael
30 Talca

[edit] Heritage

The Maule Region has produced a remarkable number of famous men and women, in particular writers and poets but also, statesmen and presidents, scientists and naturalists, churchmen, musicians and folklorists, journalists and historians. Thus, the Maule river - the long and wide artery that runs through the region - has been considered Chile's literary river par excellence. Many novels and short stories have had the river as their main background or protagonist. Several antologies, author's dictionaries and essays have given their account of the wealth of culture that the region has generated.

The region can boast many small towns and villages with well-preserved colonial rural architecture both in the religious as well as the civil fields. The Talca and Linares dioceses (the two Roman Catholic dioceses in the Maule region) have several parish churches of particular beauty and architectural and historic value.

[edit] Politics

[edit] Regional Intendant (Intendente)

  • Alexis Sepúlveda Soto

[edit] Provincial Governors

[edit] Members of Parliament (Diputados)

The Maule Region is divided into five parliamentary districts. Each one of these returns two members of parliament or deputies.

The table shows the district number, the municipalities encompassed in each district and the names (and party) of the respective members of parliament.

District number Municipalities encompassed in the district Members of Parliament (Political party)
District 36 Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén, Rauco Roberto León (PDC), Sergio Correa (UDI)
District 37 Talca Germán Verdugo (RN), Sergio Aguiló (PS)
District 38 Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro, San Rafael Pablo Lorenzini (PDC), Pedro Pablo Álvarez-Salamanca (RN)
District 39 Linares, Colbún, San Javier, Villa Alegre, Yerbas Buenas Osvaldo Palma (RN), Jorge Tarud (PPD)
District 40 Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes, Pelluhue, Chanco Guillermo Ceroni (PPD), Ignacio Urrutia (UDI)

[edit] Senators (Senadores)

The Maule Region is divided into two senatorial circumscriptions. One (Circunscription North) is composed by the provinces of Curicó and Talca and the other, by the provinces of Linares and Cauquenes. Thus, senatorial circumscription North encompasses parliamentary districts 36, 27 and 38, and senatorial circumscription South encompasses parliamentary districts 39 and 40. Each circumscription elects two Senators.

The table shows the circumscription name, the municipalities encompassed in each district and the names (and party) of the respective senators.

Circumscription number and name Municipalities encompassed in the Circumscription Members of Parliament (Political party)
(10) Región del Maule (Norte) Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén, Rauco, Talca, Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro, San Rafael Jaime Gazmuri Mujica (PS), Juan Antonio Coloma Correa (UDI)
(11) Región del Maule (Sur) Linares, Colbún, San Javier, Villa Alegre, Yerbas Buenas, Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes, Pelluhue, Chanco Jaime Naranjo Ortiz (PS), Hernán Larraín Fernández (UDI)

[edit] Final results: Chilean presidential election, 2005-2006

Runoff election 15 January 2006

[edit] Maule Region

Municipality (Comuna) Michelle Bachelet: votes (%) Sebastián Piñera: votes (%)
Cauquenes 8.879 (39,45%) 13.624 (60,54%)
Chanco 2.722 (44,82%) 3.350 (55,17%)
Pelluhue 1.862 (43,71%) 2.397 (56,28%)
Curicó 29.109 (52,41%) 26.425 (47,58%)
Hualañé 3.571 (61,66%) 2.220 (38,33%)
Licantén 2.462 (59,15%) 1.700 (40,84%)
Molina 13.598 (63,67%) 7.756 (36,32%)
Rauco 3.163 (55,29%) 2.557 (44,70%)
Romeral 3.828 (52,30%) 3.491 (47,69%)
Sagrada Familia 6.086 (65,75%) 3.170 (34,24%)
Teno 6.131 (49,27%) 6.311 (50,72%)
Vichuquén 1.659 (51,20%) 1.581 (48,79%)
Colbún 5.409 (57,51%) 3.996 (42,48%)
Linares 19.227 (46,20%) 22.385 (53,79%)
Longaví 7.247 (49,71%) 7.329 (50,28%)
Parral 8.996 (43,39%) 11.736 (56,60%)
Retiro 3.634 (39,99%) 5.453 (60,00%)
San Javier 11.626 (54,43%) 9.731 (45,56%)
Villa Alegre 4.438 (55,69%) 3.531 (44,30%)
Yerbas Buenas 4.222 (53,91%) 3.609 (46,08%)
Constitución 11.813 (57,61%) 8.689 (42,38%)
Curepto 3.630 (57,68%) 2.663 (42,31%)
Empedrado 1.258 (47,01%) 1.418 (52,98%)
Maule 4.942 (56,49%) 3.806 (43,50%)
Pelarco 2.494 (52,30%) 2.274 (47,69%)
Pencahue 3.686 (57,24%) 2.753 (42,75%)
Río Claro 3.508 (56,18%) 2.736 (43,81%)
San Clemente 11.875 (63,05%) 6.957 (36,94%)
San Rafael 2.559 (55,90%) 2.018 (44,09%)
Talca 51.144 (57,69%) 37.500 (42,30%)
Total votes: Maule Region 244.778 (53,45%) Michelle Bachelet 213.166 (46,54%) Sebastián Piñera


[edit] External links