Maude Barlow

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Maude Barlow
Maude Barlow

Maude Victoria Barlow (born May 24, 1947) is a Canadian author and activist. She is the national chairperson of The Council of Canadians, a left-wing Canadian nationalist citizens’ advocacy organization with members and chapters across Canada. She is also the co-founder of the Blue Planet Project, which works to stop commodification of the world’s water. She is also a director with the International Forum on Globalization, a San Francisco based research and education institution opposed to economic globalization; fellow with the Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies; a board member of Food and Water Watch, the national US organization fighting for public control of water; and a founding member of the European-based World Future Council.

[edit] Awards

Maude Barlow is the recipient of many educational awards and has received honorary doctorates from six Canadian universities for her social justice work as well as the recipient of the “2005/2006 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship”. In 2005 she received the prestigious Right Livelihood Award given by the Swedish Parliament and widely referred to as “The Alternative Nobel.”

[edit] Published works

Books: Principal author or co-author

  • Currently, Maude is writing a new book on the global fight for the right to water – To be published fall 2007 in the U.S. by New Press, in Canada by McClelland & Stewart, as well as internationally.
  • Too Close For Comfort; Canada’s Future Within Fortress North America – McClelland & Stewart, Toronto (2005) ISBN 0-7710-1088-5.
  • Profit Is Not the Cure: A Citizen’s Guide to Saving Medicare – McCelland & Stewart, Toronto (2002) ISBN 0-7710-1084-2.
  • Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World’s Water (with Tony Clarke) - Stoddart, Toronto (2002) ISBN 0-7710-1086-9.
    ** Blue Gold is available in 16 languages and 47 countries around the world.
  • Global Showdown: How the New Activists Are Fighting Global Corporate Rule (with Tony Clarke) – Stoddart, Toronto (2001) ISBN 0-7737-3264-0.
  • Frederick Street: Life and Death on Canada’s Love Canal (with Elizabeth May) – Harper Collins, Toronto (2000)
  • MAI: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment Round 2; New Global and Internal Threats to Canadian Sovereignty (with Tony Clarke) – Stoddart, Toronto (1998)
  • The Fight of My Life: Confessions of an Unrepentant Canadian – Harper Collins, Toronto (1998) ISBN 0-00-255761-4.
  • MAI: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and the Threat to American Freedom (with Tony Clarke) – Stoddart, Toronto (1998)
  • MAI: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and the Threat to Canadian Sovereignty (with Tony Clarke) – Stoddart (1997) ISBN 0-7737-5946-8.
  • The Big Black Book: The Essential Views of Conrad and Barbara Amiel Black (with Jim Winter) – Stoddart, Toronto (1997) ISBN 0-7737-5904-2.
  • Straight through the Heart: How the Liberals Abandoned the Just Society (with Bruce Campbell) – Harper Collins, Toronto (1995) ISBN 0-00-638580-X.
  • Class Warfare: The Assault on Canada’s Schools (with Heather-Jane Robertson) – Key Porter Books, Toronto (1994) ISBN 1-55013-559-7.
  • Take Back the Nation 2 (with Bruce Campbell) – Key Porter Books, Toronto (1993)
  • Take Back the Nation (with Bruce Campbell) – Key Porter Books, Toronto (1992)
  • Parcel of Rogues: How Free Trade Is Failing Canada – Key Porter Books, Toronto (1990)

Books: Contributing Author

  • Globalization, Human Rights & Citizenship, An Anthology From the Gannett Lecture Series - Rochester Institute of Technology, Edited by Robert Manning – trade paperback (2005)
  • Meeting the Global Challenge: Competitive Position and Strategic Response - BMA Program, Edited by Tom Wesson, York University Press, Toronto (2004)
  • Whose Water Is It? The Unquenchable Thirst of a Water-Hungry World - Edited by Bernadette McDonald and Douglas Jehl, National Geographic, Washington (2003)
  • Alternatives to Economic Globalization, a Report of the International Forum on Globalization - Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco (2002)
  • Globalization and the Live Performing Arts, Conference Papers - Monash University, Melbourne (2001)
  • The Case Against the Global Economy - Sierra Club Books, New York (1996)
  • The Trojan Horse: Alberta and the Future of Canada - Black Rose Books, Edmonton (1995)
  • The Charlottetown Accord, the Referendum, and the Future of Canada - University of Toronto Press, Toronto (1993)
  • Crossing the Line: Canada and Free Trade With Mexico - New Star Publications, Vancouver (1992)
  • The American Review of Canadian Studies - Twentieth Anniversary Issue of The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Washington (1992)
  • Trading Freedom: How Free Trade Affect our Lives, Work, and Environment - Institute for Policy Studies, Washington (1992)
  • The Silent Revolution: Media, Democracy, and the Free Trade Debate - University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa (1990)


**** Plus many dozens of contributions to journals, op-ed pages of newspapers, magazines, on-line articles and newsletters in Canada and around the world

[edit] External links

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