User:Matthew Stewart

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[edit] Self-Definition

Mat·thew Stew·art

Pronunciation: 'ma-(")thyü stü-&rt

Function: specific proper name

Definition: 1. A guy, who does stuff and thinks about things 2. a. A blunt person, b. A person lacking in subtlety c. An advocate of definition and clarity 3. a. An eloquent yet sarcastic writer b. A lover of words 4. SEE DICHOTOMY 5. a. Hardcore, or extreme in disposition b. Obsessive or addictive qualities displayed in excess c. Resolute or unyielding in stance 6. A reasonable and rational person who understands the finer points of courtesy and civility 7. An anarchist 8. Literal translation "Gift of God overseer" 9. Someone who believes freedom and responsibility are interdependent to the point of being synonymous 10. A crusader