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MSN/AIM messengers - ptrifoliata / ptrifoliata(at)hotmail(dot)com - boy, Ph.D. student. trying to feed world -> botany and plant sciences, ucr, i'm married to a girl named heather that teaches biology and ecology, the computer is my friend and entertainment, i like teh intranets and don't like tv so much, i dig sci-fi action adventure movies, i study plant genetics for dicot agricultural improvement, i don't like the monocots so much, i love the dicots, i enjoy keeping my serotonin levels high and have no qualms dropping synthetic or natural chemicals to do so, nothing illegal or dangerous, though, i dig people but have a technical job which hides me away and uses up my happy nt's, am an introvert, pro-diversity pro-the-diversity of diversity, religious, dig meditation (including binaural headphone shiz), Jesus, lao tzu, dairy products (for the tryptophan and tyrosine), hope to finish grad school at some point, i used to play guitar in an arpeggiated(eye cayn't spill) fingerstyle fashion but folky, not country, i used to race my mountain bike, i dig unix, linux, perl, bash shell, don't like r right now 'cause it's very buggy still (especially the bioconductor), think the k-12, college, and university educational systems in this country need improvements, i like sierra nevada for the hops buzz, i dig fat tire outta fort collins for a flavorful ale, i like middle america, i like non-zealous people of any spirituality, i hate bad interfaces - especially web sites that screw you, i like geeks, and i don't like anti-geek peoples, grew up in los angeles county, i went to school in colorado, majored in biochemistry / molecular biology, was an r.a. in teh dorms up there, had a six month job swimming in dibk and xylenes down in santa ana, did 1.5 years with celera genomics, learned teh perl and teh unix, don't like the riverside so much, hope to end up in the st. louis working for teh monsanto, am a u2 fan, and i enjoy the music of a musician outta greenwich village named rachael sage.