User:Mathieugp/drafts/Francis Maseres

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[edit] Biography

[edit] Family and education

[edit] Timeline

[edit] Works

  • Considerations on the expediency of admitting representatives from the American colonies into the British House of Commons (London, 1770)
  • Draught of an act of parliament for settling the laws of the province of Quebec (London, 1772)
  • Mémoire à la défense d’un plan d’acte de parlement pour l’établissement des loix de la province de Québec [...] (Londres, 1773)
  • Réponse aux observations faites par Mr. François Joseph Cugnet, secrétaire du gouverneur & Conseil de la province de Québec pour la langue françoise, sur le plan d'acte de parlement pour l’établissement des lois de la ditte province [...] (London, 1773)
  • An account of the proceedings of the British, and other Protestant inhabitants, of the province of Quebeck, in North America, in order to obtain an house of assembly in that province (London, 1775)
  • Considerations on the expediency of procuring an act of parliament for the settlement of the province of Quebec (London, 1766)
  • The Canadian freeholder : in two dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, settled in Canada, shewing the sentiments of the bulk of the freeholders of Canada concerning the late Quebeck-Act [...] (3 vol., London, 1777–1779)
  • The case of Peter Du Calvet, esq., of Montreal in the province of Quebeck : containing (amongs other things worth notice), an account of the long and severe imprisonment he suffered in the said province [...] (London, 1784) (written in collaboration with Pierre Du Calvet and Peter Livius)

[edit] Notes

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links