Matteo Zocarini

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Matteo Zocarini was an 18th century composer. He made several pieces of music for the violincello and harpsichord ("cembalo" in Italian). This combination of instruments is indicated in the world of music as Basso Continuo.

The only evidence of Matteo Zocarini's existence are 6 Concertini's for the Basso Continuo. These are the only pieces of music known from him. The 6 Concertini's are printed by the Amsterdam musicpublisher Estienne Roger around 1740. Roger had several Italian composers contracted, for instance Arcangelo Corelli.

There is a possibility that Zocarini played under the name Zuccharini in Paris in 1737. This is not for sure and it is also doubtful that his name was mentioned in Milan.

Zocarini describes himself as an amatore di musica on the front page of his sheet music. The attention in his music goes to the cellist . The cellist has the solos and the accelerated pieces. The music can be best described as "appealing to one's imagination" and "elegant melodious". The character the music calls can be comparised with Bachs Italic concert. His pieces are performed regularly.

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