Matt Koehl

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Matt Koehl (full name Matthias Koehl Jr.) (born January 22, 1935) is a Neo-Nazi leader of the New Order. He succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as 'Commander' of the National Socialist White People's Party (renamed the New Order in 1983). He was also previously the leader of the World Union of National Socialists until his bizarre Hitler-worshipping ideology began to alienate the membership.

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin of Hungarian immigrants of German descent. He studied journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee[1] and served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He joined James Madole's National Renaissance Party, the United White Party, and the National States' Rights Party before the American Nazi Party in 1960.

Like Miguel Serrano, he was heavily influenced by the writings of Savitri Devi and is an advocate of esoteric Hitlerism, believing Hitler to have been a god-like being sent to rescue humanity - and specifically the European peoples - from the Jews.

[edit] Works

  • The Future Calls (1972)
  • Some Guidelines To The Development Of The National Socialist Movement
  • The Program of the National Socialist White People's Party (Cicero, IL: NS Publications, 1980)
  • Faith of the Future (1995)

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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