Matilda of Tuscany

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Matilda of Tuscanyfrom Cod. Vat. lat. 4922 (1115)
Matilda of Tuscany
from Cod. Vat. lat. 4922 (1115)
Matilda of Canossaby Bernini in San Pietro (Rome).
Matilda of Canossa
by Bernini in San Pietro (Rome).

Matilda of Canossa (Italian: Matilde, Latin: Mathilde; 104624 July 1115), called la Gran Contessa or the Great Countess, was the principal Italian supporter of Pope Gregory VII during the Investiture Controversy, and is one of the few medieval women to be remembered for her military accomplishments. She is called "of Canossa" after the ancestral family castle of Canossa, but she is just as well known as Matilda of Tuscany.

Her father was Boniface III count of Reggio, Modena, Mantua, Brescia, Ferrara, and marquis of Tuscany. As this string of titles implies, he held a great estate on both sides of the Apennines, though the greater part was on the Lombardy and Emilia side. Her mother was Beatrice of Lorraine, a daughter of Frederick II, Duke of Upper Lorraine, and of Matilda of Swabia.

Matilda's place of birth is unknown. Mantua, Modean, Cremona, and Verona have all been suggested, though scholarly opinion favours Lucca or the nearby castle of Porcari.[1] Based on her fluence in German, some authors have asserted that she was born in Lorraine, her mother's province. She was her parents' youngest child, but her father was murdered in 1052, and her older sister and brother died soon afterwards, leaving the eight-year-old Matilda as a great heiress under her mother's guardianship. Two years later Beatrice re-married, in part to protect her daughter's inheritance, to Godfrey the Bearded, a cousin who had been duke of Upper Lorraine before rebelling against Emperor Henry III.

Matilda's family became heavily involved in the series of disputed papal elections of the last half of the 11th century. Her stepfather's brother Frederick became Pope Stephen IX, while both of the following two popes, Nicholas II and Alexander II had been Tuscan bishops. Her parents' forces were used to protect these popes and fight against anti-popes. Some stories claim the adolescent Matilda took the field in some of these engagements, but no evidence supports this.

Sometime in this period Matilda married her stepbrother Godfrey the Hunchback, son of Godfrey the Bearded's first marriage. Matilda gave birth in 1071 to a daughter, Beatrix. Virtually all current biographies of Matilda assert that the child died in its first year of infancy, however genealogies contemporaneous with Michelangelo Buonarroti claimed that Beatrix survived, and Michelangelo himself claimed to be a descendent of Beatrix and, therefore, Matilda. Michelangelo's claim was supported at the time by the reigning Count of Canossa. The Catholic Church, possibly motivated by its claim against her property, has always asserted that Matilda never had any child at all. Matilda and Godfrey became estranged after Godfrey the Bearded's death in 1069, and he returned to Germany, where he eventually received the duchy of Lower Lorraine.

Both Matilda's mother and husband died in 1076, leaving her in sole control of her great Italian patrimony as well as lands in Lorraine, while at the same time matters in the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the German king Henry IV were at a crisis point. The Pope had excommunicated the King, causing a weakening of Henry's German support. Henry crossed the Alps that winter, appearing early in 1077 as a barefoot penitent in the snow before the gates of Matilda's ancestral castle of Canossa, where the pope was staying.

This famous meeting did not settle matters for long. In 1080 Henry was excommunicated again, and the next year he crossed the Alps, aiming either to get the pope to end the excommunication and crown him emperor, or to depose the pope in favor of someone more co-operative.

Matilda controlled all the western passages over the Apennines, forcing Henry to approach Rome via Ravenna. Even with this route open, he would have difficulties besieging Rome with a hostile territory at his back. Some of his allies defeated Matilda at the battle of Volta Mantovana (near Modena) in October 1080, and by December the citizens of Lucca, then the capital of Tuscany, had revolted and driven out her ally Bishop Anselm.

In 1081, Matilda suffered some further losses, and Henry formally deposed her in July. This was not enough to eliminate her as a source of trouble, for she retained substantial allodial holdings. She remained as Pope Gregory's chief intermediary for communication with northern Europe even as he lost control of Rome and was holed up in the Castel Sant'Angelo. After Henry had obtained the Pope's seal, Matilda wrote to supporters in Germany only to trust papal messages that came though her.

Henry's control of Rome enabled him to have his choice of pope, Antipope Clement III, consecrated and in turn for this pope to crown Henry as emperor. That done, Henry returned to Germany, leaving it to his allies to attempt Matilda's dispossession. These attempts foundered after Matilda routed them at Sorbara (near Modena) on July 2, 1084.

Gregory VII died in 1085, and Matilda's forces, with those of Prince Jordan I of Capua (her off and on again enemy), took to the field in support of a new pope, Victor III. In 1087, Matilda led an expedition to Rome in an attempt to install Victor, but the strength of the imperialist counterattack soon convinced the pope to retire from the city.

Around 1090, Matilda married again, to Welf V of Bavaria, from a family (the Welfs) whose very name was later to become synonymous with alliance to the popes in their conflict with the German emperors (see Guelphs and Ghibellines). This forced Henry to return to Italy, where he drove Matilda into the mountains. He was humbled before Canossa, this time in a military defeat in October 1092, from which his influence in Italy never recovered.

In 1095, Henry attempted to reverse his fortunes by seizing Matilda's castle of Nogara, but the countess's arrival at the head of an army forced him to retreat. In 1097, Henry withdrew from Italy altogether, after which Matilda reigned virtually uncontested, although she did continue to launch military operations designed to restore her authority and regain control of the towns that had remained loyal to the emperor. She ordered or commanded successful expeditions against Ferrara (1101), Parma (1104), Prato (1107) and Mantua (1114). In 1111, at Bianello, she was made viceroy of Liguria by the Emperor Henry V.

Matilda's death of gout in 1115 at Bondeno di Rocore marked the end of an era in Italian politics. She left her allodial property to the Pope for reasons not known. Henry had promised some of the cities in her territory he would appoint no successor after he deposed her. In her place the leading citizens of these cities took control, and we enter the era of the city-states in northern Italy.

In the 17th century her body was removed to the Vatican, where it now lies in St. Peter's Basilica.

The story of Matilda and Henry IV featured in Luigi Pirandello's play Enrico IV.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Duff, 31. Boniface can be placed in Lucca in 1047 and Beatrice purchased Porcari in 1044.

[edit] References

  • Duff, Nora (1909). Matilda of Tuscany: La Gran Donna d'Italia. London: Methuen & Co. 
  • Hay, David (2007, forthcoming). The Military Leadership of Mathilde of Canossa, 1046-1115. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 
  • Kahn Spike, Michéle (2004). Tuscan Countess: The Life and Extraordinary Times of Mathilde of Canossa. New York: The Vendome Press. 
  • Eads, Valerie (2002). "The Geography of Power: Mathilde of Tuscany and the Strategy of Active Defense", in L. J. Andrew Villalon and Donald Kagay: Crusaders, Condottieri and Cannon: Medieval Warfare in Societies around the Mediterranean. Leiden: Brill. 
  • Fraser, Antonia. The Warrior Queens. ISBN 0-679-72816-3. 

[edit] External links