Mathematics education in Australia

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Mathematics education in Australia varies quite considerably between various states due to the different Education systems in place in each state.


[edit] New South Wales

[edit] Higher School Certificate

The Higher School Certificate in NSW contains a number of mathematics courses catering for a range of abilities. There are four courses offered by the Board of Studies for HSC Study:

  • General Mathematics (2 units): A basic mathematics course containing precalculus concepts.
  • Mathematics (2 units): An intermediate level course containing basic concepts in Calculus and other areas
  • Mathematics Extension 1 (1 (or 2) units): A more advanced course building on concepts in calculus, trigonometry and basic combinatorics. Mathematics must also be studied in conjunction with this course.
  • Mathematics Extension 2 (2 units): A highly advanced mathematics course containing an introduction to Complex Numbers, Advanced Calculus & Curve Sketching, Polynomials, and Circle Geometry. It is widely considered to be the most demanding secondary mathematics course in Australia. Mathematics Extension 1 must also be studied in conjunction with this course and Mathematics is assumed knowledge.

[edit] Queensland

In Queensland, the senior (years 11 and 12) curriculum is divided into three parts: Maths A, Maths B, and Maths C.

[edit] Mathematics A

Maths A is the easiest of all three, but it is still OP eligible. Maths A is designed to help students to develope an appreciation of the value of Mathematics to humanity. Students learn how mathematical concepts may be applied to a variety ofl ife stuations including business and recreational activities. The skills encountered are revelant to a vast array of careers (trade, technical, business etc). Assessments in the subject include both formative and summative written tests, assignments and practical work. It is assessed in the categories: Knowledge & Procedures (KAPS); Modelling to Problem Solving (MAPS); Communication & Justification (CAJ). Athough Maths A is not a pre-requisite subject, but it is sufficient for entrance to many tertiary courses.

The course is divided into four (4) semesters (1 semester = 2 terms). The skills learned in each semester are as follows:

Semester 1 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Data Analysis
  • Managing Money
  • Applied Geometry
  • Linking 2 and 3 Dimensions

Semester 2 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Land Measurement
  • Applied Geometry
  • Statistics
  • Managing Money

Semester 3 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Managing Money
  • Land Measurement
  • Data Analysis
  • Operations Research

Semester 4 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Statistics
  • Land Measurement
  • Navigation
  • and an elective topic on Data

[edit] Mathematics B

Maths B is the second hardest of the three. Maths B can be studied at the same time with either Maths A or Maths C, but not both. Maths B give students an understanding of the methods and principals of mathematics and the ability to apply them in everyday situations and in purely mathematical contexts; the capacity to model actual situations and deduce properties from the model; an interest and ability in framing and texting mathematical hypotheses; the ability to express and communicate any results obtained; some knowledge of the history of mathematics; encouragement to think independently and creatively. Assessments are similar as those of Maths A, which includes both formative and summative written tests, assignments and practical work. It is also assessed in the three categories Knowledge & Procedures (KAPS); Modelling to Problem Solving (MAPS); Communication & Justification (CAJ). Maths B is a pre-requisite for any tertiary course which deals with or uses math and/or science.

The course is divided into four (4) semesters. The skilled learned each semester are as follows:

Semester 1 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Functions
  • Periodic Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Applied Statistical

Semester 2 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Functions
  • Periodic Functions
  • Exponential Functions
  • Calculus

Semester 3 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Exponential and Log Functions
  • Integration
  • Calculus

Semester 4 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Applied Statistical Analysis
  • Integration
  • Optimisation

[edit] Mathematics C

Maths C is considered to be the hardest of the three maths. Maths C give the students and understanding of the methods and principals of mathematics and the ability to apply them in everyday situations and in purely mathematical contexts; the capacity to model actual situations and deduce properties from the model; an interest and ability in framing and testing mathematical hypothese; the ability to express and communicate any results obtained; some knowledge of the history of mathematics; encouragement to think independently and creatively. Assessments are in the same as the other two courses, formative and summative written tests, assignments and practical work. The student is assess in the areas of Knowledge & Procedures (KAPS); Modelling to Problem Solving (MAPS); Communication & Justification (CAJ). Maths C can be a pre-requisite to tertiary courses with a heavy maths/science basis. Some skills learned in Maths C would be found in business and economics degrees.

The course is divided into four (4) semesters. The areas learned are in the following:

Semester 1 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Real and Complex Numbers
  • Matrices
  • Vectors
  • Groups
  • Structures & Patterns

Semester 2 (Year 11/Form 5):

  • Applications of Matrices
  • Vectors
  • Real and Complex Numbers
  • Dynamics
  • Calculus
  • Structures and Patterns

Semester 3 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Structures and Patterns
  • Real and Complex Numbers
  • Matrices
  • Option I & II

Semester 4 (Year 12/Form 6):

  • Vectors
  • Calculus
  • Dynamics
  • Vectors
  • Option I & II

[edit] Western Australia

Applicable mathematics is a branch of T.E.E. math, studyed by year 12 Western Australia students. The one year course is roughly broken down in to a number of sections ranging from Bivariate data to Probability.