Mataco-Guaicuru languages

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Mataco-Guaicuru is a hypothetical language phylum consisting of the Guaicuruan and Matacoan families. These 11 languages are mainly spoken in Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.

I. Guaicuruan

A. Abipon (†)
B. Kadiweu
C. Mocovi
D. Pilaga
1. Toba-Pilaga
2. Chaco Pilaga
E. Toba
1. Southeast Toba
2. Northern Toba

II. Matacoan

A. Nivacle
1. Forest Nivacle
2. River Nivacle
B. Iyo'wujwa Chorote
C. Iyojwa'ja Chorote
D. Maca
E. Wichi Lhamtes Nocten
F. Wichi Lhamtes Guisnay
G. Wichi Lhamtes Vejoz

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