Master of Requests

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The Master of Requests was a Great Officer of State in Scotland.

The office first appeared in the reign of James V. Its functions in Scotland (which differed from those of similar offices in England and France) included that of receiving petitions from subjects and presenting them for consideration by the Privy Council. After 1603, he acted as an intermediary between the Council in Scotland and the King in England. Although not named as an Officer of State in 1579, he was "to have acces in the counsalehouse and be present in tyme of counsale". In 1592, however, he was included with the Secretary, the Lord Justice Clerk, the Lord Advocate and the Lord Clerk Register who "being ordinar officaris of the estait as also senatouris of the college of justice" could not attend council on a daily basis. He sat in Parliament as an officer of State from 1604 to 1633, but his office was not revived at the Restoration, its duties being taken over by the Secretary.

[edit] Masters of Requests

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