Master of Education

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The Master of Education (M.Ed., M.A.E., or Ed.M.) is a degree conferred by American institutions for educators moving on in their field.

Most states require a Master's-level degree and the certificate that goes with that work to be hired for educational administration (principal, assistant principal, dean, consultant, etc). For the superintendent level, typically that required Doctoral-level work to be completed. Another issue is that most states require continuing course work in order for teachers to maintain certification (especially since No Child Left Behind requirements were implemented in the United States 2001). Admission into a Master's-level program typically required a Bachelors of Education (B.S., B.A., or B.Ed) and several years' experience in an elementary, secondary, or special education classroom. Education programs tend to have strict standards to stay in the program and often take more time to complete than other programs.


[edit] Categories of study

Typical programs branch into one of several categories:

[edit] Educational Administration

This is typically the area where students study in preparation to take on a building principalship . Candidates in this area study educational law, building/community issues, and faculty leadership. Programs also exist under this degree title to train administrators for institutions of higher education.

[edit] Guidance Counseling

This is typically the area where teachers study in preparation to enter school counseling. Candidates in this area study psychology, social work issues, and law.

[edit] Academic Enrichment

This is typically the area where teachers are increasing their knowledge in their specific field or branching to another area within teaching. Some examples are: Anything subject related (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, etc) or school areas (elementary, secondary, or special education). This is the usual path of study for teachers looking to maintain certification or move into a more marketable bracket.

[edit] Higher Education and Student Affairs

Coursework in this area is aimed at the study of colleges and universities (Higher Ed) or the administrative operations of higher education (student affairs) in specific programatic elements. Ordinarily, the only requirement for admission to this type of program is an undergraduate degree.

[edit] Prep for Ed.D. or Ph.D.

This is typically the area where teachers study for continuing work into the doctoral programs. Candidates in this area would tackle specific educational issues and often get into educational research in preparation for Doctoral work. This is the broadest area of Masters work for education.

[edit] External Links

[edit] See Also

Academic degrees
v  d  e
Associate's degrees (U.S.) AA, AAS, ABA, ABS, AOS, AS, ASN
Foundation degrees (U.K.) FdA, FdEd, FdEng, FdMus, FdBus, FdSc, FdTech
Bachelor's degrees AB or BA, BAcy, BAdm, BAgrEc, BArch, BBA, BBus, BCom or BComm, BCS, BCL, STB, BD, BDent, BDS, B.Ed., BEc, BEng or BE, BSBME, BFA, BHSc, BGS,BHE, BHK, BID, BJ, BTh, BLibStud, BLIS, BMath, BMedSc or BMedSci, BMus, BSN, BPE, BPharm, BS or BSc or SB, BSc(Agr) or BSA, BSocSci, BSW, BTech, LLA, LLB, MB ChB or MB BS or BM BS or MB BChir or MB BCh BAO, MA (Cantab.), MA (Dubl.), MA (Hons), MA (Oxon.)
Master's degrees MArch, MA, MS or MSc, MSt, DEA, MAcy, MALD, MApol, MPhil, MRes, MFA, MTech, MBA, MBI, MBT, MComm, MDes, MTh, MTS, MDiv, MEd, MMT, MPA, MPD, MPS, MSN, MProfStuds, MJ, MST, MSW, MPAff, MLIS, MLitt, MPH, MPM, MPP, MPT, MRE, MTheol/ThM/MTh, STM, LLM, MEng, MSci, MBio, MChem, MPhys, MMath, MMedSc or MMedSci, MMus, MESci, MGeol, MTCM, MSSc, BCL (Oxon), BPhil (Oxon), ThM
Licentiate degrees: Lic Arts, LDS, JCL, STL, SSL, LSS, PhL
Specialist degrees EdS, SSP, CAS
Engineer's degrees AE, BE, BME, CE, CE, ChE, EE, CpE, ECS, EnvE, MSE, ME, NavE, NuclE, Ocean E, SysE, Eng
First-professional degrees AuD, DC, DCM, DDS, DMD, JD, MD (US), DPT, ND, OD, DO (US only), PharmD, DP, PodD, DPM, MDiv, MHL, DVM, PD, STB
Doctoral degrees PhD, EdD, DEng, EngD, DEnv, DBA, DD, JCD, SSD, JUD, DSc, DLitt, DA, MD (out of US and Canada), DMA, DMus, DCL, ThD, DrPH, DPT, DPhil, PsyD, DSW, JD, LLD, LHD, JSD, SJD, JuDr, STD, DMin
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