Master Blasters (TV series)

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[edit] Summary

Master Blasters is a US Television show that first aired in Summer of 2005. The basic premise of the show was the construction of rocket-based machines against the clock.

Four episodes aired in total.

The series set a home team of experts against challengers. The teams had to complete a challenge in the shortest time possible whilst attempting to complete the goal better than their opponents. [1]

[edit] Cast list

Regular cast members:

Jimmy Franz

Byrl Armel

Dan Stroud

Terry Stroud

Naureen Zaim [2]

[edit] Episode list

Episodes aired on the US Sci-fi channel.

Episode 1: The Blasters of Oz

First aired: 27-July 2005

Episode 2: Car Field Goal

First aired: 3-August 2005

Episode 3: Killer Lawn Darts

First aired: 10-August 2005

Episode 4: Missile-Launching Spy Cars

First aired: 17-August 2005

Episode 5: Fans of Fury

Never aired. [3]

[edit] Episode breakdown

Episode 1

The two teams competed to blast a small farm house into the air. The farm house had to turn 3 times in the air. [4]

Episode 2

The two teams competed to be the first to turn a sports car into a rocketcar. The aim was to be first to score a field goal (through the posts of an American Football pitch) with the car. [5]

Episode 3

The teams competed in a game of lawn-darts over 1000 yards using rocket powered darts. [6]

Episode 4

The teams competed to create the best missile-launching go-karts. [7]

[edit] Footnotes

[edit] References