MASH (game)

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MASH is a fortune-telling game usually played by children. It is an acronym for mansion, apartment, shack or house. A variant of the game is called MASHO. The rules remain the same, with outhouse being added to the acronym. Another variant, MAPSHC, includes playhouse and cardboard box as options. Yet another variant, MASH ID, exists with igloo and dump as the additional choices. Another one is MARSH, with the R for Ranch, or MASHODEP with the O for Outhouse, D for Dump, E for Elevator and P for Palace.

[edit] Players

There are two players: the fortune-teller and the person whose future is to be divined.

[edit] Game play

The game is played by setting out a list of possible outcomes in certain categories: for instance, under the heading automobiles, one would include various automobiles. The first category listed is always MASH (for the dwelling category). Typical categories include dwelling, automobile, spouse, occupation, pet and number of children. In a typical game, each category contains extraordinary options (for instance, a supermodel for a spouse), a few less extravagant options and one really awful option.

Once the options have been laid out, the fortune-teller begins drawing a spiral and asks the other player to tell her when to stop. Once stop is called, the fortune-teller draws a line bisecting the spiral and counts the number of intersections on the spiral. The total number of intersections is the magic number. (Alternatively, one can choose a number or the fortune teller can repeatedly draw short strokes and count them once stop is called.)

The fortune is divined by counting through the options consecutively until the magic number has been reached. Once the magic number is reached, that item is crossed out and counting resumes (omitting crossed-out items). When all but one of the options of a category have been exhausted, the remaining option is circled, and that option is no longer counted. Counting continues until all categories have only one option remaining.

The circled items then should correlate to the player's future, and the items are read to the player by the fortune-teller in the format "You will live in a ...., be married to ...., drive a ...., etc."

[edit] External links