User talk:Marijica

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[edit] From Gligan

The answer is that I do not hate the serbs (they are even very nice as persons, I know several serbs) but I do hate the Serbian Government which did so many evils to the Bulgarian people; this government took Macedonia, one of the essential components of our state and forced the Bulgarian population there to become Macedonian (they first tried to make it serb, but without any success). In 1885, when our army was at the turkish border, Serbia attacked brother Bulgaria from the rear, tell me is this not a treason? If you read carefully, you will see that is wrote for the battles the serbs lost and the serbian war crimes only after YXYX wrote to me nonesence such as: Bulgaria lost the battle of Slivnitsa; we killed serbian citizens in Pirot, 1885 and so on and so on, which is ridiculous. I was simply trying to tell him that the serbs were those who first attacked Bulgaria, obviously to grab its territories. And, he began with the relatives.

The ordinary Serbian people is to some extend similar to the Bulgarian; and if serbia was a good and honourable neighbour it would have been definetely one of my favourite countries, but... now Macedonia and the Western Outskirts lie between us. I hope that we will solve this problems and serbia will regain my respect, because the serbs fought bravely in WW1 and against the turk in 14th-15th cent. --Gligan 16:46, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Yes, I know what you mean, and I am sure that you are right- I can't convince you that my opinion is right and you can't convince me too : ) The fact is that I do not equal the serbian people neither with Tito nor with Miloshevic, but unfortunately with its actions in the Balkan Wars (i know that the ordinary people are not guilty for what happenned, because I suppose that they consider the Bulgarians their Slavic brothers); and it was after these wars when Macedonia became part of Serbia. Still, I know that it is very difficult to talk about territorial changes nowadays : ), this is always related with violence.

You look like smart person, so I hope that you will answer me the following questions on serbia, or tell me where to find answers: 1) Are there any ancient treasures and artefacts found in the serbian lands? 2) Which is the year of creaton of Serbia as a country? 3) Do you think that Kosovo will gain independence? 4) Information on the biodiversity in Serbia (number of species, national parks, interesting rock formations) 5) Information on the industry (metallurgical, machinery, chemical plants; in details)

It may seem strange to you but i am very interested in geography and history and I want to draw comparison between Bulgaria and some neighbouring nations, including yours. Perhaps these are not your interests, but answer me what you can: ) --Gligan 17:35, 18 December 2006 (UTC)

This is what I got from one professor. As you can see, different people, different history, just like I said:)

1) This depends what you consider as trasures... There are so many things...sirmiujm, virminacium, justiniana prima, gamzigrad (gamzi city)... like that panel in Kosovo that was also found recently (find it somewhere on the internet) lepenski vir (the "head")... They also say that Prince Marko´s golden coach has dissapired somewhere between remesiana i virminacijum, near Aleksinac... also Atila´s treasure...

2) this is not specific... let´s say 7th century, somewhere in Dalmatia and Hertzegovina. there is a text about it on, by Relja Novakovic, but it is in Serbian... although some of our people consider Serbia only from Sava... 3) Probably... it´s independent for almost 7 years now. It will basicly have independance, even if it is on Serbia´s map, but Belgrade will have no crutial impact on Pristina.

there you go:)

Thank you for being so helpful: ) The information you gave me will be of use.
If I can help you with something, ask me at any time : ) --Gligan 17:49, 21 December 2006 (UTC)