User talk:Marco Neves

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, Marco Neves. Welcome to Wikipedia.

A few tips for you to start going. (I'll send more if I see that I can help you :-)

  • Just edit stuff off the cuff for a while. We like that fine!
  • When you have time, check out Wikipedia:Welcome, newcomers + the links in there.
  • You can sign your stuff on talk pages with ~~~~ It will convert to your username + the time. "anon" is fine too.
  • If puzzled, put a question on Wikipedia:Village pump, or feel free to ask me on my talk page if it's a very general question.
  • Most of all, have fun but take our work seriously!

-- Cimon Avaro on a pogo-stick 15:48 15 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Olá Marco! Que giro ver aqui um portugues! Eu sou só meio portuguesa (pai dinamarques). Espero que continues com a página do 25 de Abril. Fica bem. Muriel Gottrop 14:20 26 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Please see discustion at Talk:People's Republic of China - Efghij 20:54, 8 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Please stop adding in the bad link to Mandarin. The correct link is Mandarin Chinese. --Jiang

Al Gore only won the popualar vote because of a fluke. The liberal media called Florida for Gore (while they were still voting!) and that discouraged Bush voters and kept them away from the polls. Had that not happened, Bush would have won by 5%, like all the polls were predicting. JoeM

Good idea moving the politcal discussion on User:JoeM/ban to his talk page.Vancouverguy

Hello Marco. I couldn't find any of your comments about my "bold statements". What were they? I am curious.

If it is you who moved the page to Valencian Community, will you please fix the links? (I didn't much care for Comunidad Valenciana, but would have preferred Valencia (autonomous community).) - Montréalais 05:22, 20 Aug 2003 (UTC)

I'll do it, piece by piece, ok? :)
p.s. oh, and thank you for your edits to my edits on the rest of the CC.AA. as well :) -Montréalais
You're welcome! Cheers!

Olá Marco, já cá 'tou de volta a um pais interessante mas não tão bom como o nosso. Grande tempo para praia, tirando a parte dos incêndios… Queria pedir-te para dares uma vista de olhos na minha nova entrada na wiki: Battle of Aljubarrota. Era para saber a tua opinião e convidar-te a fazer correcções e acrescentos. Fica bem. Muriel

Tudo bem, não é algo que me interesse particularmente, nem um pouco, apenas transcrevi o que li. Claro que os catalães estavam mais interessados no Além-Pirinéus (ou seja, França). No entanto, as coisas não são tão lineares, tenho tentado encontrar autores catalães ou aragoneses, ou outros, mas é complicado. A ligação de Aragão a Portugal é conhecida e bem antiga, no entanto! No livro que tenho, nada sobre a nacionalidade dos poetas é dito. É uma questão pequena e se calhar desnecessária. Acho que a página Portuguese language já está acima da média, precisa de ser melhorada em alguns aspectos, principalmente "sounds" e "grammar". Agora estou a investigar para Portuguese Creole e também já estou a pedir ajuda a amigos do Brasil para me ajudar nos dialectos Portugueses, que tal como eu pensava são mais unificados que o que parecem ser. E, a riqueza dialectal Portuguesa é muito variada.Pedro 01:09, 12 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Pois quanto ao Português do Brasil, aquilo de Crioulo não tem nada. Sei porque aprendi algum crioulo, até já falei crioulo com caboverdianos. O que os Brasileiros falam difere muito pouco do Português falado em Portugal, quanto aquilo do que era colocado naquela página, sei quem deve ter escrito isso, é um Americano que tem um site na net com xenofobia a Portugal, digo-lhe Portugal não é nada daquilo caso tenha visto. Ele faz isso, porque acho que os filhos dele, por escreverem na variedade brasileira e que a professora considerou erro, a falta dos "c" e "p" mudos, etc. Ele para se vingar criou aquele site e vem para a net dizer estas parvoíces por onde consegue espalhar, é o portcult. Se fosse lê o site dele, fica totalmente horrorizado em relação ao que diz sobre a língua portuguesa e ao país que é Portugal e uma pessoa que não conheça o país acha que aquilo é verdade. É um velho caduco. Não pretendo unificar língua nenhuma, sou pela lógica e pela razão.Com o galego pode haver dúvidas, mas o que se fala no Brasil é tão Português como o de qualquer parte de Portugal. Abraços.Pedro

Andorra is a country not a nation. They have two everydiffreent meanings. There are many nations that are not countries (such as Kurdistan) and there are many countries that are not nations (such as Belgium). Catalan is not an international language as it is a regional dialect in Spain co-official with Spanish and French in Andorra. As Catalan is just a dialect of Spanish I can't really see how you would vendicate calling it an "international language". Irish is spoke all over the word by immigrants "in many independent nations" but that's not an international language.Saluedo 04:26, 31 August 2005 (UTC)

I also have a university qualification in languages and live in Barcelona. The basic fact is, if Catalan was a real language why do I sa an English speaker have no trouble understanding it. I do not know a single Andalusian or South American who has any trouble with the strange dialect on the people here. You can stack you linguistics up but at the end of the day, Catalan is no more a language that Ulster-Scots or Lollards are in English. I know it's painful and you guys are very jealous of the Basques who do have a real language to go with their independence claims. I guess you guys will have to be happy with your Estatut. Saluedo 04:41, 1 September 2005 (UTC)

Some arguments regarding the subject, in order to clarify the question:

  • Most Spaniards don't understand Catalan (I've met lots of them). That's the reason TVE subtitles Catalan speech. You do understand it, but don't forget you live in Barcelona and you're a student of languages.
  • I've met many Spaniards who don't like Catalonia but do not deny (they couldn't) that Catalan is a language.
  • Recognising Catalan language does not mean recognising any kind of Catalan "independence" or right to independence. Catalonia is a Spanish region, no doubt. But that does not mean anything regarding linguistic situation of Catalan.
  • I've studied both Spanish and Catalan and I found no problem learning Spanish grammar; Catalan grammar was completely different.
  • Vowel system in Catalan is quite complex, Spanish has only 5 vowels, phonologically speaking.
  • Verb roots (the best criterion to divide languages) are different, in many important cases: voler/querer, manjar/comer, parlar/hablar, etc.
  • Once again, Catalan developed before and separately from Spanish, so it's not a question if it is a language or not.

I really didn't think this was necessary. I've always learnt that Catalan status was a closed question.

(Answer in User talk:Saluedo page)

Best regards, Marco Neves


[edit] Portuguese culture

When I say "Portuguese culture" I reffer to colonial period. --Mateusc 22:54, 24 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] RE: Azores

Hi there; I hope you're well. Thanks for your response and information; I appreciate it. In addition for my informational value, my request was more spawned out of a desire to accurately shade these island groups on the continental locator image maps. For these, I will now colourise the Azores as belonging to Europe (due to proximity) and Madeira to Africa. Thanks again! E Pluribus Anthony 19:11, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Hispanophone

Image:Spanish Speaking Map.PNG
Image 1, put in the article by User:XGustaX. Brazil neutralised by Marco Neves. Only on wiki english.
Image 2, by user:Yug, on commons, I tryed to neutralised the former map. Is it good ? please make a clear summary, then I can improve this map.
Image 2, by user:Yug, on commons, I tryed to neutralised the former map. Is it good ? please make a clear summary, then I can improve this map.
"Mundohispano.png", this one is use on the spanish Wikipedia article
"Mundohispano.png", this one is use on the spanish Wikipedia article

Hello, I have improve the map Image:Spanish Speaking Map.PNG into the map Image:Map-Hispanophone World.png, what are your thinking about this ? I'm open to every argumented improvement :]. See you Yug (talk) 21:20, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

Hello again, see on the right the 3 maps present. Image:Map-Hispanophone World.png is present on commons, so this map is use by several other articles in others languages.
  • I think a good think should be to use "my" USA light green, for your map too.
  • but... please update my map, on commons, like that we can work on one map, and for all the wikipedias.
Moreover, I think one important point is the fact than some people talk about "official spanish countries", which have low which say "USA second language is spanish" (this is just an exemple, I don't know if this kind of law exist), and other talking "where spanish is really widely speak".
so, I think we need 2 maps, one showing where spanish is really widely speak ( => Image:Map-Hispanophone World.png) , the other showing where it's officialy use ( => Image:Spanish_Speaking_Map.PNG, renamed Image:Map-Spanish language official countries.png and upload on ).
Think you this way is better ? Yug (talk)
Thanks for your answer. Now, I will upload the map Image:Spanish_Speaking_Map.PNG on commons with the name Image:Map-Spanish language official countries.png, and I will ask again to delete this map Spanish_Speaking_Map.PNG ( which was delete last week, and then upload again by XGustaX ). I think than, by this way, that will be less conflicting. <Escuse me for my medium english, I'm improving :] > bye Yug (talk) 17:03, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Brazil

wow then you clearly dont know. Clearly states Spanish as a one of the Lanuages of Brazil but it is not offical. Please dont not be bias just because your from Brazil.

[edit] You are clearly mistaken

lol ok right... you dont know about how many french and Spaniards came to Brazil to immigrate to Brazil. So its pretty obvious you are compeletly bull shitting everything you are saying. YOu still have have no creditable source to state your facts? the admins will see my way now.

Then why does the CIA world fact book state so? lol i know there are people who speak spanish everywhere but for being the SECOND on the list of Brazils lagnuages surpasses the "there are no spanish speaking communities." Thing is i got a GOVERMENT source you are just speaking from nothing. As for having no arguments if your going to completly not listen to me of course to you im not going to have anything to say lol. I do have facts. This also makes sense because Brazil is sorounded by Spanish Speaking countries.

wow then you clearly dont know. Clearly states Spanish as a one of the Lanuages of Brazil but it is not offical. Please dont not be bias just because your from Brazil. You dont know what you are talking about if you say "Brazil has NO Spanish Speaking commuinities. Igorance shows on the subject. You seem really biaist because you speak portuguese your self?

Hello Marco, don´t mind of him, we are walking in the good way, people have choice the middle way of our map, so that fine ^0^y Yug (talk) 00:49, 2 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] argh its pointless

Fine will you be freaking happy if i just just remove brazil.

[edit] Dear, Marco Neves

I understand were you are coming from, and Im sorry If I offended you in any way. I will take your advice and create an acount. I just feel that that the article is to long but I guess sense you are an expert and Im not as talented as you are I will take your advice. You have advanced in literature and other studies while i'm still in grade school. Well I guess I'll take your advice Thank You for your time

                                   Best wishes y Gracias por todo amigo 

[edit] Wikipedia in Tetum

  • Help building a Wikipedia in Tetum, the national language of East Timor. Give your contribution to the improvement of its test page -- Regards, 11:09, 15 February 2006 (UTC) Manuel de Sousa

[edit] Olá, Marcos! Concordo com você quando diz que o Português que se fala no Brasil é a mesma língua de Portugal

Eu sou brasileiro e, mais do qualquer americano, posso falar sobre a língua que se fala no Brasil, o nosso português. Há muita bobagem escrita lá na discussão do Brazilian Portuguese, coisa de gente que não vive no Brasil, que não fala e nem escreve em português. Um fato não podemos negar: o português do Brasil é uma variedade da língua portuguesa, e o de Portugal outra, mas me cite uma grande língua em que isso não acontece? (O inglês dos Estados Unidos é uma variante da língua inglesa, assim como o inglês britânico uma outra.) O fato é que o português do Brasil é mais arcaico que o de Portugal, e nada mais. Vocês preferem está a chover e nós do Brasil está chovendo, mas e daí? Certamente você entende o que eu digo, e eu o que você diz. Há algo de errado em preferir gerúndio a infinitivo, ou infinitivo a gerúndio? Certamente, não há.

Um abraço!

(Ah, só mais uma coisa! Como sei que você ama a língua portuguesa, leia "Grande Sertão: veredas", de Guimarães Rosa. Não há prosa em língua portuguesa mais elaborada do que essa.)

[edit] Portal de Portugal

Já abriu o Portal de Portugal na Wikipedia! Junta-te a nós para trabalharmos em prol de artigos, listas e imagens relacionadas com Portugal. No portal, encontrarás um artigo geral, um artigo biográfico, um artigo geográfico e uma imagem todas as semanas em destaque. Para além disso estão apresentadas também secções de Notícias, Curiosidades, Listas, Citações, Opentasks, informação sobre artigos recentes, etc. Futuramente teremos um WikiProject para geografia de Portugal (de modo a estandardizar todos os artigos relativos às localidades e divisões administrativas portuguesas), história de Portugal, biografias, e possivelmente desporto. Também temos em vista a criação de uma Colaboração Semanal para artigos sobre Portugal. Por isto, e tudo mais, pedimos-te que venhas ajudar-nos. Estamos também à procura de colaboradores, por isso, se estiveres interessado, é só pedires que já estás no grupo de manutenção do portal. Saudações! Gameiro 20:00, 28 February 2006 (UTC)