User:Marumari/Wikitext Rendering Quirks

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This page is for personal reference, but I guess it could become more than that eventually.

Quirk name Wikitext Output Notes
Line-spanning bold text


Hello World

First word bold, second word plain.
Line-spanning bold text
(new <p>s)




Note that it didn't create a new paragraph like it should, plus first word bold, second word plain.

Headers span lines

=== Hello
World ===

=== Hello World ===

Headers span lines, but emphasis doesn't.

Headers span lines
(new <p>s)

=== Hello

World ===

=== Hello

World ===

Even though headers span lines, you can't create new
paragraphs inside of them.
Headers cannot be nested

=== Small == Big == Small ===

[edit] Small == Big == Small

It doesn't produce any results at all. You just see equal signs.
''''' doesn't nest correctly.

''''' S+E ''' S ''' S+E '''''


S should be either S or S, not S. ''''' is considered ''' + ''.