User:Marine 69-71/Why do I write in Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sometimes I've asked myself if it is worth it, the time and effort that I've put into Wikipedia. There have been many times that I have felt like quitting.

Then one day while I was looking for information about the Puerto Ricans who have been listed as missing in action during the different wars, I happened to come upon the name of PFC. Humberto Acosta-Rosario whose body was never recovered during the Vietnam War and was listed as an MIA. This young man was about my age and served about the same time that I did in the Armed Forces.

I went to my room and wept quietly and as many other times I wondered why was it that I survived the war and others didn't. As a father I could only imagine the pain and suffering that Acost-Rosario's parents must have suffered, not knowing if there son was still alive.

I told myself that I had to write about him so that the world will know about the sacrifices that people like him have made. So many young men like Acosta-Rosario have been sent to war and have died only to have their names inscribed in some monument and later to be forgotten.

Then I came to terms with myself. Maybe, I didn't die in Vietnam because it was my destiny to make sure that people like Acosta-Rosario are not forgotten. I mean what is the use of living your live if you have an opportunity to make a difference and you let it go by? In Wikipedia I found the perfect outlet to reach millions of people that I am able to educate about my little island.

Throughout the years, Puerto Ricans have been stereotyped by the negative the American press as people who are lazy and drug users who only live off the welfare system. Little or almost nothing had ever been said of their positive contributions. I realized that I could make a difference through Wikipedia by writing about the positive contributions made by Puerto Ricans and by reaching millions of readers worldwide, I am able to change the image of Puerto Rico and honor the memory of those like Acosta-Rosario.

The statements below are from people who have let me know that I am doing something right and I have Wikipedia to thank for it.

"I am sending your web site to the cold war museum. I also will be letting my listeners know about you and your site. Listen in on sunday 12:30 to 2pm. www.wclm"

WCLM AM radio

"Dear Tony, Thank you for your terrific responses. It seems like you're really filling a niche in Wikipedia that's being shared with a large number of people. If you don't mind, I have another round of questions about writing versus editing articles, your sources, and other related topics. Feel free to answer at your leisure. Best,"

Joan Fragaszy - a historian working at the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.

"Ha sido nun gran placer conocer un puertorriqueño tan"open minded" nacido allá. Hasta pronto, Olimpia"

(It is a great pleasure to have met an upen minded Puerto Rican born over there. Until next time, Olimpia"

Olimpia Colon-Aponte, author, niece of Jesus Colon

"Thank you for your interest in my art. I was looking at the bio that you used on your page. Thank You"

Obed Gomez

"Mr. Tony Santiago: President McClintock has referred your suggestion to me so that we can initiate the research process that precedes inclusion in the Memorial during our Memorial Day 2007 annual event honoring our heroes.

We'll keep you updated and, if included, could use your help in getting close family addresses so that President McClintock can invite them, as well as you, to the unveiling ceremony."

"Thanks for your assistance and everything you do to keep the world informed about Puerto Rico in Wikipedia."

Freddy Vélez-García, Secretrary of Administration of the Puerto Rican Senate

"Thank you for this information your site is a great site and has lots of useful infomation about the history and many of our famous Puerto Ricans. I haved linked your site to our Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture web page"

Liliana Nunez ASPIRA Association


"En la enciclopedia mundial de la internet Wikipedia, la cual funciona a base de colaboraciones gratuitas, hay un marín boricua llamado Tony, segun explica hijo de emigrantes boricuas a New York, que ha escrito cientos de articulos sobre los puertorriqueños mas ilustres los cuales han dado la vuelta al mundo poniendo nuestra isla en alto, destacando lo mejor de ella, por puro amor a Puerto Rico.

Tony tambien es el editor gratuito de "Puerto Rican Military History Channel of "El Boricua" a monthly cultural magazine".

Creo que este tipo de orgullosos puertorriqueños en el exterior, deben ser destacados en nuestras noticias, porque en vez de concentrarse en hacer famosos a lo vulgar, lo grosero, lo criminal, se debe destacar lo mejor de los ciudadanos de nuestra isla, lo mejor de aquellos que trabajan arduamente por hacer de lo nuestro LO MEJOR.

Solo así podremos modelar mejores ciudadanos."

In the world encyclopedia of the internet Wikipedia, which counts with free calaborations. there is a Puerto Rican Marine maned Tony, son of Puerto Rican migrants to New York, who has writen hundreds of articles about notable Puerto Ricans and whose work has been read around the world putting the name of our island on a pedestal, telling about the best things of our island out of pure love.

Tony is also the editor of the "Puerto Rican Military History Channel of "El Boricua" a monthly cultural magazine".

I believe that these proud Puerto Ricans should be in our news, because instead of dedicating our newspapers to the vulgar, gross, criminal we should dedicate it to people who work hard to make our island the best.

That is the only way we can make better citizens.

Astrid mother of (Astrid Munoz) wrote to the newspaper "El Nuevo Dia"

"Dear Tony aka Tony the Marine . . . . WOW . . . WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!! Congratulations . . ."

"Somos Primos is getting better . . . because of the quality of submitters . like you and ERcheck."

Mimi Lozano editor of Somos Primos magazine

"Tony, I congratulate you for all the contributions that you have made to the Wikipedia."

Hector Andres Negroni - Puerto Rican historian

"Ni remotamente soy el boricua que más ha cooperado con Wikipedia; ese honor le corresponde probablemente a Anthony Santiago, mejor conocido como “Tony El Marine”, un puertorriqueño nacido en el Bronx, anterior miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos y veterano de Vietnam, independentista fervoroso (como muchos de sus egresados), que sirve como co-administrador de Wikipedia en inglés y que reside en Arizona. Tony, “El Marine” tiende a localizar nuevos usuarios registrados de Wikipedia que sean boricuas y ayudarlos como mentor."

David E. Miró Feliciano - Claridad Sept. 14-20, 2006 - Newspaper article which stating that I'm the Puerto Rican who has made the most contributions to Wikipedia.

"Saludos Tony: Gracias por poner mi informacion en Wikipedia y por el trabajo tan importante que en este website te has dedicado al dar a conocer las figuras famosas de Puerto Rico."

Lunna - Puerto Rican singer

"Thanks for the nice article, ps. I have a picture that is sharper than the one you used please let me know if you would like to use it."

Dr. Sixto Gonzalez - The first Puerto Rican to be named Director of the Arecibo Observatory, the world's largest single dish radio telescope.

"Thank you Tony - Dear Tony, I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I would like to express my sincerest appreciation for the balanced and interesting article you wrote about me."

Vanesa Littlecrow - Is a multifaceted Puerto Rican who is a cartoonist, dancer, writer and a model.

"Dear Tony, David Van Pelt (author who also interviewed me for his book)gave me your contact info , and said you would be willing to be interviewed about your time in gangs in the 60s. Where do you live? I'd love to interview you in person if you're in the NYC area. Thank you very much for your help."

Ben White - of Vice-Magazine.

"Dear Tony, I appreciate it tremendously. What is your address in the States I would like to send you some Post cards of my work..."

Antonio Broccoli Porto - reknown Puerto Rican artist.

"Tony, Saludos, I am currently working with the congressmans office and need to let you know that Congressman Serrano is a big supporter of all things and contributions Puerto Rican, particularly military. Please drop me an e-mail when you get a chance or call me. Also, the medal of honor pages are fantastic and provide a much needed sense of comfort with regards to contributions by our Puerto Rican brethren. Great Work!

You know I have thought about writing a book and the fact that your always writing is interesting and inspiring

Juan Varela"

From the office of United States Congressman Jose Serrano

"Dear Tony, My name is Antonio Ramos, I write for El Boricua and my web page is titled: In My Opinion. I read your article about Puerto Ricans in NASA. I must tell you that after reading your article and seeing how many intelligent Puerto Ricans have reached new heights in the scientific world, I got goosebumps. I was filled with so much pride that I almost cried..., just wanted to commend you on your page and tell you to keep up the good work. Now that I know you are a history nut like me, I wonder if you wouldn't mind it if I could tap into your brains one day for historical information on Puerto Rico.

Antonio Ramos, "In My Opinon" - El Boricua Magazine

"Do keep up your good work, Tony "The Marine'!"

"You are a great man Tony "The Marine'!" it was most enjoyable, and educational talking to you this evening."

Daniel Lopez, Staff Writer, "The House of Puerto Rico-San Diego

"Dear Tony, My name is Daniel Colon Ramos, and I am a founding member, and director, of CienciaPR. Thanks for all the sections you have written regarding Puerto Rico in wikipedia. I echo your words on the importance of letting the world, and articularly fellow Puerto Ricans, know of the great work some of our people are doing worldwide. It was in part for that reason we formed the website of CienciaPR.

Please feel free to use any of our resources to find and write about fellow Puerto Ricans doing great work in the sciences. I think you will find our extensive dictory of ovr 800 active members and our news archive of particular interest in finding valuable information for your sections in wikipedia. Coincidentally, I was mentioning to some of our CienciaPR volunteers what a great job somebody had done in wikipedia with he PR sections (I did not know it was you at the time), and how important it would be to continue to write science information in those forums. So please let us know how we can help or collaborate with you.

So welcome to our community and thanks for all you have done for Puerto Rico," Daniel

Daniel Colon Ramos, founding member, and director, of CienciaPR.

"I so very much appreciated the recognition you've afforded me and the privilege to edit it like this. Let me know if you can use any other photographs of my work."

"Many thanks for the thoughtful sentiment, Tony. If you send me a mailing address, I'll send you a present from the PR Cuatro Project: Our two new DVD video documentaries: La Decima Borinqueña and Nuestro Cuatro Vol. 2, Un Concierto Historico"

Best wishes,

William Cumpiano

William R. Cumpiano is a world renown author, master builder of Cuatros and teacher of the art of luthiery. Cumpiano was instrumental in the development of the first feature-length documentary about the cuatro and it's music, "OUR CUATRO Vol.1".

"Tony - thank you so much for your quick response. Our family lives a little north of the city of Atlanta, Ga. My email address is I have a brother and a sister and we have often said that we owe David Gonzales, Sr. our very lives. Dad vividly remembers the series of events that unfolded that day. Their Company Commander was killed that day and the next day, Dad received his battlefield commission to Company Commander status." Maribeth

"Tony - you are my hero. I will keep you posted and let's keep in touch. Thank you so very much!Maribeth

Maribeth is the daughter of the soldier saved by Medal of Honor recipient David M. Gonzales

"Saludos, Le escribo desde Michigan. He visto sus páginas y escritos sobre historia militar y lo felicito. Lo invito a ver nuestra página del Michigan Company of Military Historians and Collectors: MCMHC Web Page o"


"Salutations, I am writing from Michigan. I have seen your pages and written work about military history and I congradulate you. I invite you to visit our page Michigan Company of Military Historians and Collectors: MCMHC Web Page o"

" If you live in Michigan we would be honored to invite you to one of our meetings."

José A. Amorós Alicea is President & Founder of the Washington & Marshall Institute Project, Editor-at-Large of La Voz/The Community Voice and Commandant of the Michigan Company of Military Historians.

"Tony the Marine, The honor is mine to speak to such a dedicated patriot, educator, and writer. I marvel at your ability to collect, research, and synthesize vast of amount of material into great stories and articles about our cultural heritage. You are truly performing a great service for the future generations of our Country..."

Rear Admiral Jay De Loach from the Pentagon