Talk:Markovian parallax denigrate
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Maybe I'm missing something... if so, go ahead and put this back on the main page... but this section seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the topic, and the last paragraph is just plain inappropriate for an encyclopedia.
- ==Consequences==
- During the summer of 2003, following the issuance of the now de-classified report about the September 11th attack, many government officials such as Senator Bob Graham began to make criticisms that the September 11th attack might have easily been predicted, if not outright prevented in part or altogether. Following these criticisms, President Bush declassified the August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing which indicated that "Bin Laden Determined to Attack United States", and which indicated that hijackings might be one possible mode of attack.
- With the apparent intentional crash of flight 990 by its co-pilot, and a similar intentional crash of PSA Flight 1771 by a disgruntled former airline employee known as David Burke on December 7, 1987, the historic record of persons intentionally crashing airliners certainly must present itself as having offered precedent, if not an outright warning. Nonetheless, representatives (Condoleezza Rice?) of the Bush administration in early 2004 stated that "nobody could have imagined that ... hijackers would intentionally crash .... hijackers usually want to live."
- Critics of the Bush administration might easily argue that we are somehow being to believe that there is such a poverty of imagination in this country that we will stop asking questions and simply blindly vote for Bush in November. Perhaps, because of the abundance of tabloid type conspiracy theories that propagate over the Internet, by word of mouth, or in the media, most people should be rightly skeptical of any supposed numerlogic modus operandi. In the state of Missouri, they have a saying "Show Me." When the major system for translating phrases into numbers, or rather ofr memorizing numbers is applied to the phrase "Show Me", one obtains the number 63, which by a remarkable coincidence yields the flight number of the so called shoe bomber. In effect, ever since the so called shoe bomber incident, people have been asked by airport inspectors to "show me your shoes."
Jimaltieri 13:14, 24 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Quoting from the page Zero-knowledge proof
"Peggy's public key is a large graph, which we will call G. Peggy generated G at some time in the past, and then published it widely. Because she manufactured it specially for the purpose, Peggy knows a Hamiltonian cycle in G. Peggy will prove her identity to Victor by proving that she knows a Hamiltonian cycle in G. Even though G is public information, nobody else can do this, because nobody else knows a Hamiltonian cycle of G, and finding Hamiltonian cycles in graphs is a difficult problem (see NP-completeness)."
Step One: Replace Peggy with Susan and assume that Susans graph contains Markov chains instead of Hamiltonian cycles. This would be a very weak form of encrypting a message, since it would allow almost anyone who believes that there is a message to speculatively reconstruct what that message might be, with a very high probability that certain specific persons would be able to reconstruct the entire graph almost de novo.
Step Two: Assume that I've cracked Susan's graph, or at least part of it, and that I also know that the digits of the California Lottery on the day Dr. Seuss died were 3-14-15-24-28-42, which using the major system for memorizing numbers can be encoded in the form of the phrase MADRID LINEAR INFERNO, which remarkably mimics the eight syllable forms of Dr Seuss who often wrote in the form trochaic tetrameter, or iambic tetrameter. I also know that on October 13, 1990 the numbers of the California Lottery were 1-5-7-15-17-51, forming a perfect palindrome. Using the major system the word Al-Qaeda encodes the number 571. It should also be observed that the myserious Usenet posts of August 5, 1996 occured five years and one day prior the the issuance of the August 6, 2001 presidential daily bulliten that bin Laden was determined to attack the United States.
Step Three: Note that the paragraphs that were moved by Jimaltier from the Markovian Parallax Denigrate page - were originally on the EgyptAir Flight 990 which got deleted by someone else with the comment that they "rightfully belong" on some page about 9/11 domestic conspiracy theory. What I am trying to address is just one such theory, which includes the theory that certain files on the Internet contain steganography, which remains a subject in dispute - since nobody has ever publicly proven that any such jpeg, bmp or other image actually contains such a file - at least not one that is related directly to the September 11th attack. That may be be because the mystery information wasnt in jpegs or bipmaps, it was embedded in SYMBOL Sue's posts.
Susan Lindauer was arrested by some remarkable coincidence right after the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks. One suspect in the attack on Madrid who remains at large is believed to use the name Amer Azzizi - which is remarkably suggestive of a modus operandi "as easy as american pi" to figure out. From the posts of August 5, 1996 it is possible to prove that there are things that Susan knew, or should have known - if one traverses the entire graph. The challenge is to prove not what Susan knew - but what Bush knew, or should have known.
To prove this - one needs to contemplate a time evolving knapsack problem. If Markovian Parallax Denigrate is the first item in the knapsack, then additional items can be "carried", i.e., potentitially included in the "knapsack" at a reduced cost, because it is often less costly to carry a reference to an item than it is to carry the item. The zero knowledge proof then involves proving that one can unpack the knapsack, which is analogous to stating that one has knoweldge of a Hamiltonian cycle. Now suppose that this were the orignal text from 1996, which is obviously NOT the case since the following text refers to events from as recent as 2004. Furthermore, suppose that the original text, from which Markovian Parallax Denigrate was derived was LOST in the destruction of the World Trade Center. In which case - what you see is what you get, that is, in some sense of a rather adventitous form of Constrained writing.
I go out jitterbugging quite a bit. My father is a dance teacher. Never mind who I am, and don’t try to find me. I am not the one who posted the original markovian parallax denigrate in any case. I was however once a political figure, and in between bids for different public offices I was interviewed by Susan Lindauer, who might be better able to explain where these 1000’s of messages came from. When I was in high school I heard that president McKinley once suggested that there might be an earthquake based upon a ground upheaval following a forest fire, or maybe it was Abe Lincoln who said that the pressure change could break a thrust fault. Simple empiricism and Newtonian physics is probably all that you really need to be able to predict something like that. However unless you can say something really creative, like that you are inferring that there will be an earthquake because you have channeled McKinley's ghost – then you are not likely to so much as earn a caw from the local press, even if you have a PhD. What really needs to be done is for some people to update their theories. I'll get back to the physics shortly.
Some doctor named Cohen performed, or wrote about someone who performed - mind control experiments for the CIA in the 60's. Some of these experiments are continuing to this day. Maybe it is time to clear the air, talk to the media and find some people who will collaborate, rue? Hello, I mean where are you? I'm not some sports writing rococo who can just invocate up a good earthquake prediction, like it’s just a tousle in the wind, only then to be discarded by this respite society like I'm just a little shadflower. Debby and Stirling knew about it. The pathogenesis was a bummer. I think I'm over it. Maybe I spent a little too much of my time sitting at my little escritoire, even after they told me the biopsy was benign. Translation: at one point I was wondering if I was going to live to see 1991, never mind 1999, or whenever.
Well, I'm feeling little more adventitious now, though I’d better look up just what that word means since I’m not quite sure just what I might be saying about myself. Perhaps Symbol Sue has been adventitious too – in a different sort of way. There is a lot that I can resurrect of the long forgotten past, almost de novo. I don’t care if you work for WorldCom, ATT, ITT, PGE, NBC, CBS, CNN, GSN, or if you make the most money of any chairperson, whether your name is Dwight D, or Herzog or something different altogether. I suppose that Oriah Mountain Dreamer said it much better, I mean that part about what does and what does not matter in life. I promised I would get back to the physics.
The problem with trying to summon up McKinley’s ghost to predict an earthquake is that somewhere, some one may have once said "if you provide the war - I'll provide the newspapers." Likewise, someone might say that if “you’ll provide the fire, just maybe McKinley's ghost will provide the earthquake.” Thus because of the risk that some eco-terrorist might attempt to deliberately light a fire, just to see if the theory is correct. That’s what the original post was all about, because of the reactions of some people to certain posts made by a certain former candidate somewhere who is very familiar with the physics. It is very difficult to know who you can trust. There is for example a recent and very disgusting case of those SUV eco-terrorists who wrote “e to the i pi equals minus one” as their calling card when they did some fifty-five million dollars in damage to the vehicles and property at various Southern California dealerships in August of 2003. Hence, there is an element that I am going to discuss eventually about so called “crimes of attribution” or rather maybe – “crimes where attribution plays an element” and how this is important, or should be important to writers of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as to those who make or enforce public policy.
Now if there was a hidden message attributable to McKinley somewhere, the modern version would be that if the Hilbert transform of delta del-squared F + F exhibits a peculiarity on the boundary of a fire area, then it may indicate that a sleeping giant is about to wake up; then someone needs to find their code book and un-seal the prediction that has been on record since before 1901. Now does anyone care to tell William Randolph Hearst? How far is Hearst Castle from Paso Robles anyway? Of course with the risk that some eco-terrorist will deliberately light a fire to try to test the theory that it will trigger the missing earthquake has some rather diabolical implications. Now you know why you don’t read about it in your papers! The standard practice should be at the very least to try to identify a candidate fault which is likely to produce a killer quake, and notify the local townspeople – without telling the whole world. In Paso Robles, the local Mayor sent out letters to all of the local businesses, at least the ones who are in un-reinforced masonry buildings and told them to get their signs up! Yet Jennifer Myrick is dead. Is the truth that threat assessments some terrible secret as if to say "so remember these words as you are headed out west, tell only your friends and to hell with the rest?
Please note: that I have only decoded the first portion of the text, i.e. of Markovian Parallax Denigrate. The references to pi, and palindromes, are left as an excercise for the reader to locate, somewhere in the thousands of mysterious posts which appeared on August 5, 1996.
Lazarus666 26 Jul 2004