Martin Gibbs

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Martin Gibbs (born November 11, 1922, died July 24, 2006 [1], [2] ) was a biochemist and educator in the field of carbon metabolism.

Gibbs was born in Philadelphia and educated at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He obtained his PhD from the University of Illinois in 1947.

In 1993, the Martin Gibbs Medal[3], awarded to those who have provided significant contributions in the field of plant sciences, was created in honor of his retirement.


[edit] Career

Scientist Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1947-56; professor biochemistry Cornell University, 1957-64; Abraham S. and Gertrude Berg professor biology, chairman department Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, 1965-93

[edit] Career Related

Consultant National Science Foundation, 1961-64, 69-72, National Institutes of Health, 1966-69, Cosmos Club, 1984; member corp. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1970, RESA lecturer, 1969; NATO consultant fellowship board, 1968-70; member Council International Exchange of Scholars, 1976-82; chairman adv. committee selection Fulbright Scholars for Eastern Europe; adjunct professor Botanical Institute, University Munster, Federal Republic of Germany, 1978, 80, 87; adjunct professor department botany University California, Riverside, 1979-89.

[edit] Creative Works

Author: Structure and Function of Chloroplasts, 1970, Crop Productivity-Research Imperatives, 1975, Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, 1982, Crassulacean Acid Biosynthesis and Function of Plant Lipids, 1983, Crop Productivity-Research Imperative, Revisited, 1985, Hungarian-USA Binational Symposium on Photosynthesis, 1986; editor-in-chief: Plant Physiology, 1963—92, associate editor: Physiologie Vegetale, 1966—76, Ann. Rev. Plant Physiology, 1966—71

[edit] Awards

Recipient Charles Reid Barnes award, 1984, Adolph E. Gude award, 1993, Martin Gibbs medal, 1993, University Illinois Achievement award, 1996, Gold medal Bulgarian Academy Scis.; Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 1987.

[edit] Memberships

Member National Academy of Sciences, American Association of University Professors, Am. Society Plant Physiologists (Barnes, Gude, Gibbs medal), Russian Society Plant Physiologists (hon. life member), Am. Academy Arts and Scis., Am. Society Biochem. Molecular Biology, Can. Society Plant Physiologists (hon. life), Academy Scis. France.