Marshal of France

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Baton of a modern Marshal of France
Baton of a modern Marshal of France

The Marshal of France (French: Maréchal de France) is a military distinction in contemporary France, not a military rank. It is granted to generals for exceptional achievements. It was one of the Great Officers of the Crown of France during the Ancien Régime and Bourbon Restoration and one of the Great Dignitaries of the Empire during First French Empire.

A Marshal of France displays seven stars. The marshal also receives a baton, a blue cylinder with stars, formerly fleurs-de-lis during the monarchy and Eagles during the First French Empire. It has the Latin inscription: Terror belli, decus pacis, which means "Terror in war, ornament in peace".

Six Marshals of France have been given the even more exalted rank of Marshal General of France: Biron, Lesdiguières, Turenne, Villars, Saxe and Soult.


[edit] History

The title derived from the office of marescallus Franciae created by Philippe Auguste for Albéric Clément (circa 1190).

The title was abolished by the National Convention in 1793. It was restored during the First French Empire by Napoleon I as Marshal of the Empire. Under the Bourbon Restoration, the title reverted to Marshal of France and Napoléon III kept that designation.

After the fall of Napoleon III and the Second French Empire, the Third republic did not use the title until the First World War, when it was recreated as a military distinction and not a rank.

Philippe Pétain, awarded the distinction of Marshal of France for his generalship in World War I, retained his title even after his trial and imprisonment and after he was stripped of other positions and titles.

The last living Marshal of France was Alphonse Juin, promoted in 1952, who died in 1967. The latest Marshal of France was Marie Pierre Koenig, who was made a Marshal posthumously in 1984.

[edit] Marshals of France

[edit] Direct Capetians

[edit] Six Marshals under Philip II, 11801223

  • Albéric Clément (died 1191), Marshal of France in 1185
  • Guillaume de Bournel, (died 1195), Marshal of France in 1192
  • Nivelon d'Arras (died 1204), Marshal of France in 1202
  • Henry I Clément, called the "Little Marshal", Lord of Le Mez and of Argentan (1170 - 1214), Marshal of France in 1204
  • Jean III Clément, Lord of Le Mez and of Argentan (died 1262), Marshal of France in 1214
  • Guillaume de la Tournelle (dates unknown), Marshal of France in 1220

[edit] Eight Marshals under Louis IX, 1226 – 1270

  • Ferry Pasté, Lord of Challeranges (died 1247), Marshal of France in 1240
  • Jean Guillaume de Beaumont (died 1257), Marshal of France in 1250
  • Gauthier III, Lord of Nemours (died 1270), Marshal of France in 1257
  • Henri II Clément, Lord of Le Mez and Argentan (died 1265), Marshal of France in 1262
  • Héric de Beaujeu (died 1270), Marshal of France in 1265
  • Renaud de Précigny (died 1270), Marshal of France in 1265
  • Raoul II Sores (died 1282), Marshal of France in 1270
  • Lancelot de Saint-Maard (died 1278), Marshal of France in 1270

[edit] Four Marshals under Philip III, 1270 – 1285

  • Ferry de Verneuil (died 1283), Marshal of France in 1272
  • Guillaume V du Bec Crespin (died 1283), Marshal of France in 1283
  • Jean II d'Harcourt, Viscount of Châtellerault, Lord of Harcourt (died 1302), Marshal of France in 1283
  • Raoul V Le Flamenc (died 1287), Marshal of France in 1285

[edit] Six Marshals under Philip IV, 1285 – 1314

  • Jean de Varennes (died 1292), Marshal of France in 1288
  • Simon de Melun, Lord of La Loupe and of Marcheville (died 1302), Marshal of France in 1290
  • Guy Ier de Clermont de Nesle (died 1302), Marshal of France in 1292
  • Foulques du Merle (died 1314), Marshal of France in 1302
  • Miles VI de Noyers (died 1350), Marshal of France in 1302
  • Jean de Corbeil, Lord of Grez (died 1318), Marshal of France in 1308

[edit] One Marshal under Louis X, 1314 – 1316

  • Jean IV de Beaumont (died 1318), Marshal of France in 1315

[edit] Three Marshals under Philip V, 1316 – 1322

  • Mathieu de Trie (died 1344), Marshal of France in 1318
  • Jean des Barres (dates unknown), Marshal of France in 1318
  • Bernard VI de Moreuil, Lord of Moreuil (died 1350), Marshal of France in 1322

[edit] One Marshal under Charles IV, 1322 – 1328

  • Robert-Jean Bertran de Briquebec, Baron of Briquebec, Viscount of Roncheville (1285 - 1348), Marshal of France in 1325

[edit] Valois

[edit] Five Marshals under Philip VI, 13281350

  • Anseau de Joinville (1265 - 1343), Marshal of France in 1339
  • Charles de Montmorency, Lord of Montmorency (1325 - 1381), Marshal of France in 1344
  • Robert de Waurin, Lord of Saint-Venant (died 1360), Marshal of France in 1344
  • Guy II de Nesle, Lord of Offémont and of Mello (died 1352), Marshal of France in 1345
  • Édouard de Beaujeu, Lord of Châteauneuf (1316 - 1351), Marshal of France in 1347

[edit] Four Marshals under John II, 1350 – 1364

  • Arnoul d'Audrehem, Lord of Audrehem (died 1370), Marshal of France in 1351
  • Rogues de Hangest, Lord of Avesnecourt (died 1352), Marshal of France in 1352
  • Jean de Clermont, Lord of Chantilly and of Beaumont (died 1356), Marshal of France in 1352
  • Jean I Le Maingre (1310 - 1367), Marshal of France in 1356

[edit] Two Marshals under Charles V, 1364 – 1380

  • Jean IV de Mauquenchy, Lord of Blainville (died 1391), Marshal of France in 1368
  • Louis de Sancerre, Count of Sancerre (1342 - 1402), Marshal of France in 1369

[edit] Nine Marshals under Charles VI, 1380 – 1422

  • Jean II Le Meingre (1364 - 1421), Marshal of France in 1391
  • Jean II de Rieux, Lord of Rochefort and of Rieux (1342 - 1417), Marshal of France in 1397
  • Pierre de Rieux, Lord of Rochefort and of Rieux (1389 - 1439), Marshal of France in 1417
  • Claude de Beauvoir, Lord of Chastellux and Viscount of Avallon (1385 - 1453), Marshal of France in 1418
  • Jean de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam (1384 - 1437), Marshal of France in 1418
  • Jacques de Montberon, Lord of Engoumois (died 1422), Marshal of France in 1418
  • Gilbert Motier de La Fayette (1396 - 1464), Marshal of France in 1421
  • Antoine de Vergy (died 1439), Marshal of France in 1422
  • Jean de La Baume, Count of Montrevel-en-Bresse (died 1435), Marshal of France in 1422

[edit] Six Marshals under Charles VII, 1422 – 1461

[edit] Four Marshals under Louis XI, 1461 – 1483

  • Joachim Rouhault de Gamaches, Lord of Boismenard (died 1478), Marshal of France in 1461
  • Jean de Lescun, Count of Comminges (died 1473), Marshal of France in 1461
  • Wolfart VI Van Borselleen, Lord of Vère in Holland and Earl of Buchan in Scotland (died 1487), Marshal of France in 1464
  • Pierre de Rohan de Gié, Lord of Rohan (1450 - 1514), Marshal of France in 1476

[edit] Two Marshals under Charles VIII, 1483 – 1498

  • Philippe de Crèvecœur d'Esquerdes (1418 - 1494), Marshal of France in 1486
  • Jean de Baudricourt, Lord of Choiseul and Bailiff of Chaumont (died 1499), Marshal of France in 1486

[edit] Valois-Orléans

[edit] Four Marshals under Louis XII, 1498 – 1515

[edit] Valois-Angoulême

[edit] Twelve Marshals under Francis I, 1515 – 1547

[edit] Five Marshals under Henry II, 15471559

  • Jacques d'Albon de Saint-André, Marquis of Fronsac (died 1562), Marshal of France 1547
  • Robert IV de La Marck, Duke of Bouillon and Prince of Sedan (1520 - 1556), Marshal of France in 1547
  • Charles I de Cossé, Count of Brissac (1505 - 1563), Marshal of France in 1550
  • Pietro Strozzi, (1500 - 1558), Marshal of France in 1554
  • Paul de La Barthe, Lord of Thermes (1482 - 1558), Marshal of France in 1558

[edit] One Marshal under Francis II, 15591560

[edit] Five Marshals under Charles IX, 1560 – 1574

  • François de Scépeaux, Lord of Vieilleville (1509 - 1571), Marshal of France in 1562
  • Imbert de La Plâtrière, Lord of Bourdillon (1524 - 1567), Marshal of France in 1564
  • Henri I de Montmorency, Lord of Damville, Duke of Montmorency, Count of Dammartin and Alais, Baron of Chateaubriant, Lord of Chantilly and Ecouen (1534 - 1614), Marshal of France in 1566
  • Artus de Cossé-Brissac, Lord of Gonnor and Count of Secondigny (died 1582), Marshal of France in 1567
  • Gaspard de Saulx, Lord of Tavannes (1509 - 1575), Marshal of France in 1570
  • Honorat II de Savoye, Marquis of Villars (died 1580), Marshal of France in 1571
  • Albert de Gondi, Duke of Retz (1522 - 1602), Marshal of France in 1573

[edit] Seven Marshals under Henry III, 1574 – 1589

[edit] Bourbons

[edit] Eleven Marshals under Henry IV, 15921602

[edit] Thirty-four Marshals under Louis XIII, 16131643

[edit] Fifty-one Marshals under Louis XIV, 16431715

[edit] Thirty-four Marshals under Louis XV, 17151774

[edit] Twenty Marshals under Louis XVI, 17741792

[edit] First Empire

[edit] Twenty-six Marshals under Napoleon I, 18041814

The names of a great proportion of these have been given to successive stretches of a circular avenue encircling Paris, thus nicknamed Boulevard des Maréchaux ("The Marshals' Boulevard").

[edit] Second Restoration

[edit] Six Marshals under Louis XVIII, 18151824

[edit] Three Marshals under Charles X, 18241830

[edit] July Monarchy

[edit] Ten Marshals under Louis-Philippe 18301848

[edit] Second Republic

[edit] Seven Marshals under Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, 1848 – 1852

[edit] Second Empire

[edit] Twelve Marshals under Napoleon III, 18521870

[edit] Third Republic

[edit] Three Marshals under Raymond Poincaré, 19131920

[edit] Five Marshals under Alexandre Millerand, 19201924

[edit] Fourth Republic

[edit] Three Marshals under Vincent Auriol, 1947 – 1954

[edit] Fifth Republic

[edit] One Marshal under François Mitterrand, 19811995