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Coordinates: 46°39′N, 7°4′E

Canton Fribourg
District Gruyère
Coordinates  46°39′N, 7°4′E
Population 1449   (January 2004)
Area 7.79 km²
Elevation 722 m
Postal code 1633
SFOS number 2140
Marsens (Switzerland)

Marsens is a municipality in the district of Gruyère in the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland.

The municipality comprises the small villages of Marsens and its neighbor Vuippens. They are 5 km from the town of Bulle, and 20km from the city of Fribourg.

[edit] History

Marsens derives its name from the god Mars. Archaeology in the village uncovered a gallo-roman temple dedicated to the god, which had been forgotten over the centuries. The site of the temple can be seen today.

Marsens was also well known for the Humilmont convent, the remains of which sit just outside the village.

In more recent times, it is best known as the site of the psychiatric hospital of the canton.

While this region's economy has long been based in agriculture, Marsens today is developing more artisans and industry. The village is expanding as new modern homes are built, but Marsens' pastoral view of the mountains and the sound of nearby cows' bells remains.