Mark Reizen

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Mark Reizen
Mark Reizen

Mark Osipovich Reizen, also Reisen or Reyzen (Russian: Марк Осипович Рейзен, born Zaitsevo village, near Lugansk, Ukraine July 3, [OS June 21] 1895 – died November 25, 1992 Moscow) was a Russian and Ukrainian opera singer, lyrical bass.


[edit] Biography

Reizen was born into a Jewish family of mine workers. He had four brothers and a sister, and all were musically trained, playing mandolin, guitar, balalaika and accordion. He served as a soldier in the First World War. Then he studied as an engineer, but also as a singer at the Kharkov conservatory with the Italian professor Federico Bugamelli in 1919-1920. He made his debut at the Kharkov Opera in 1921 as Pimen in Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, and in 1925 moved to the Mariinsky Theatre in Leningrad. Reizen toured Paris, Berlin, Monte Carlo and London in 1929-1930.

He joined the Bolshoi Theatre in 1930 where he was a leading bass until his retirement in 1954. His roles included, Ivan Susanin and Ruslan from the Glinka's operas, Don Basilio (The Barber of Seville by Rossini), Mephistopheles (Faust by Gounod), Prince Gremin (Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky), Salieri (Mozart and Salieri), the Viking merchant (Sadko) in operas by Rimsky-Korsakov, the old Gypsy (Aleko by Rachmaninov), Wotan in Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelungs, Konchak (Prince Igor by Borodin), Philip II and Procida in Verdi’s operas, and so on. He became a great interpreter of Boris and Dosifei in the operas by Mussorgsky. He was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1941, 1949 and 1951.

In 1967 he began teaching, and became a professor at the Moscow Gnessiny Institute. He gave an important recital for his 80th anniversary, and for his 90th sang Prince Gremin (in Eugene Onegin) at the Bolshoi in Moscow in July 1985.

He died at the age 97 of a very sudden stroke.

[edit] Quotations

Mark Reizen as Boris
Mark Reizen as Boris
  • "Reizen is stupendous. His lush, voluminous basso rolls through the music unconstrainedly. It sits easily at the bottom, peels forth brilliant Fs and F-sharps at the top (and one hair-raising high G), and in-between displays flowing line and a mezza-voce that rivals prime Pinza or Chaliapin. Ruslan's heroic fire and tenderness are there - it's a complete piece of work". (Conrad L. Osborne, in the Metropolitain Opera Guide to Recorded Opera)
  • “In 1930, Reizen went on a tour of the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre, sang Mephistopheles (Faust) and was immediately noticed by Stalin, who was a music and opera lover. He described a somewhat comical scene as he was invited to the official government box during the intermission, where, dressed as the Devil, he was introduced to Stalin. The dialogue went something like this:
–You sing very well.
–Thank you.
–Why don't you come here more often?
–You see, I sing in Leningrad and only visit here.
–Why not move here and visit there?
–You see, I have a contract there, and an apartment too…
–Perhaps we can do something and find you an apartment here.
The following day and in typical Soviet style, he was surprised by the unannounced visit of an official car with a soldier, who was under orders to take him hunting apartments.
This is how Mark Reizen was engaged at the Bolshoi.” (Anecdote, Opera Gems)
Preiser CD devoted to Mark Reizen
Preiser CD devoted to Mark Reizen

[edit] Recordings and discography

  • Lebendige Vergangenheit - Mark Reizen CD 0717281890595 Label: Preiser 1997, Time: 76 minutes
  • Detailed discography: [1], [2].

[edit] Sound samples

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] External links

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