Mark Crutcher

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Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics Inc.
Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics Inc.

Mark Crutcher is an American pro-life activist and author living in Texas. He is the founder and president of Life Dynamics Inc. (LDI).

Crutcher was involved in marketing, particularly in the automotive field, before turning to pro-life activism in 1987. His first work was the Life Activist Seminar, a workshop for grassroots pro-life activists to teach them to work effectively. He has conducted approximately 140 of these seminars in 31 U.S. states and in Canada, with more then 15,000 people participating. [1]

In founding Life Dynamics, Crutcher said that he wanted to fill in the gaps left by other organizations. One shortcoming he noticed was in what he called "professional counter-intelligence or intelligence-gathering". Thus, Crutcher focuses much of his organization's efforts on operations involving gathering new data on abortion facilities and pro-choice organizations. [2]

Crutcher has written for Citizen (a publication of Focus on the Family), The Christian American, and All About Issues. [1] He is the author of Lime 5, described on the LDI web site as, "an exposé of the abortion industry". [3] [4] Crutcher has also penned several strategy manuals for pro-life activists: Access: The Key to Pro-Life Victory, On Message, The Pro-life Handbook, and LTW 250, [5], which is a guide to writing letters to the editor and is reprinted in full by Priests for Life on their web site. [6]

Crutcher gave a seminar at the 1995 national conference of the American Coalition of Life Activists in Kansas, which, according to the Pro-Choice Action Network, was also attended by those who have advocated anti-abortion violence. [7]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Mark Crutcher." (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2006.
  2. ^ Gosgnach, Tony. (April 2005). "Q & A with: Mark Crutcher." The Interim. Retrieved August 23, 2006.
  3. ^ Crutcher, Mark (1996). Lime 5: Exploited by Choice. Life Dynamics. ISBN 0-9648886-0-2. 
  4. ^ "Life 5, Get the Facts on Abortion." (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2006.
  5. ^ "SpeakOut Illinois 2006 Speakers." (2006). Retrieved August 23, 2006.
  6. ^ Pro-Life Letters to the Editor." (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2006.
  7. ^ Arthur, Joyce. (1999). "Spreading Hatred Against Abortion Providers Once Again: The Anti-Choice Exploitation of Fetal Tissue Research." Pro-Choice Press. Retrieved August 23, 2006.

[edit] Publications

On Message: The Pro-Life Handbook ISBN 0964888610