Mario Rigoni Stern

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Mario Rigoni Stern (b. 1 November 1921 in Asiago) is an Italian author and World War II veteran, as well as a Nazi concentration camp survivor.

His first novel Il sergente nella neve, published in 1953 (and the following year in English as The Sergeant in the Snow), draws on his own experience as a sergeant in the Alpini corp during the disastrous retreat from Russia in the World War II. It is his only work to be translated into English.

Other well-known works also include Le stagioni di Giacomo (Giacomo's Seasons), Storia di Tönle (The Story of Tönle), and the collection of short stories Sentieri sotto la neve (Paths Beneath the Snow).

His awards have include the Premio Campiello and the Premio Bagutta for Storia di Tönle, and the Italian PEN prize for Sentieri sotto la neve.

[edit] Works

  • Il sergente nella neve (1953), translated into English as The sergeant in the snow (1954)
  • Il bosco degli urogalli (1962)
  • Quota Albania (1971)
  • Ritorno sul Don (1973)
  • Storia di Tönle (1978)
  • Uomini, boschi e api (1980)
  • L'anno della vittoria (1985)
  • Amore di confine (1986)
  • Arboreto selvatico (1991)
  • Le stagioni di Giacomo (1995)
  • Sentieri sotto la neve (1998)
  • Inverni lontani (1999)
  • Tra due guerre e altre storie (2000)
  • L'ultima partita a carte (2002)
  • Stagioni (2006)

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