Marian devotions

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The following Marian devotions are intercessions to God through the mediation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, or acts of devotions focusing on Mary .

[edit] Propriety

Marian devotion is important to the Catholic, Anglican (particularly the High Church branch), and Orthodox traditions; but most Protestants reject it as improper. Protestants argue that Marian devotion is akin to worship, but we are to worship God (the Holy Trinity) alone, and not Mary or the Saints. Catholics and Orthodox retort that this is not worship but merely veneration; however, Protestants do not find that argument convincing. Protestants feel that Marian devotion, even if not worship, distracts from attention on God, and devotion to Mary is likely to give rise to tendencies to equate Mary with God. Protestants also feel that many of the Catholic and Orthodox traditions about Mary are not found in the Bible, and therefore should be rejected. The early reformers however, believed that Mary should be held in highest reverence, and even advocated the use of the Ave Maria through “and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus” as a sign of reverence for and devotion to the Virgin. Moreover both Luther and Calvin believed the doctrine, now controversial among Protestants, of Mary's perpetual virginity. This belief is even attested to in the Augsburg Confession, one of the foundations of Lutheranism.

[edit] See also