Mariamne (name)

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Mariamne is a name frequently used in the Herodian royal house. In Greek it is spelled Μαριάμη (Mariame) by Josephus; in some editions of his work the second m is doubled (Mariamme). In later copies of those editions the spelling was dissimilated to its now most common form, Mariamne. In Hebrew, Mariamne is known as מִרְיָם, (Miriam), as in the traditional, Biblical name (see Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron); Mariamne is the Hellenized version of the Hebrew, as Koine Greek was a common language in the late Hasmonean era in Judea (together with Aramaic,) where both Mariamnes lived.

For Gnostic readers Mariamne is also recognized as Mary Magdelene. François Bovon, professor of the history of religion at Harvard University has suggested based on his study of the Acts of Philip that Mariamene, or Mariamne, was the actual name of Mary Magdalene. Since Mary or Mariam was a common name in 1st century Israel, many women would share that name.

Holders include:

See also Augustin Nadal's play Mariamne.