Margarita Sierra

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Margarita Sierra (January 5, 1936 - September 6, 1963) was a nightclub singer and television star, as Cha Cha O'Brien on Surfside 6, before dying at age 27 a day after heart surgery. Most episodes featured her singing, usually in English but occasionally in Spanish. One of her songs from the second and final season, "The Cha Cha Twist" was released as a single but did not enter Billboard's Top 100 chart. Her tenuous grasp on English provided comic relief on the show. She died a year after the series ended. Often compared to Lupe Velez and Carmen Miranda, the Madrid-born Sierra responded "Carmen Miranda wore all sorts of funny hairdresses, some made of bananas, and I have never done that. Miss Velez, on the screen, was a spitfire type while I prefer happy-go-lucky parts."

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