Mare Insularum

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Mare Insularum (the "sea of islands") is a lunar mare located in the Insularum basin just south of Mare Imbrium. The basin material is of the Lower Imbrian epoch, with the mare material of the Upper Imbrian epoch. The mare is bordered by the craters Copernicus on the east, and Kepler on the west. Oceanus Procellarum joins the mare to the southwest.

Copernicus is one of the most noticeable craters on the Moon. The rays from both Kepler and Copernicus protrude into the mare. It is located near Fra Mauro crater.

[edit] Sinus Aestuum

This mare-like area forms a northeastern extension to the Mare Insularum. The name of this plain is latin for "Bay of Billows". It has selenographic coordinates 10.9° N, 8.8° W, and it lies within a diameter of 290 km.

The Sinus Aestuum is a level, nearly featureless surface of low albedo basaltic-lava that is marked by a few small impacts and some wrinkle ridges. The eastern border is formed by an area of irregular terrain that divides the bay from the Mare Vaporum to the east. To the north is the Montes Apenninus range and the prominent Eratosthenes crater. Along the western side is the flooded Stadius crater and the Mare Insularum to the southwest.

[edit] References