Marcy Wheeler

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Marcy Wheeler at a fundraising event for the YearlyKos convention
Marcy Wheeler at a fundraising event for the YearlyKos convention

Marcy Wheeler is an American blogger whose web presence is officially at "The Next Hurrah", but she frequently posts on FireDogLake (FDL), Daily Kos, the Huffington Post and other sites. She has appeared as a correspondent on "PoliticsTV". She is known online as emptywheel. Many of her recent blog postings focus on the Congressional hearings into the dismissal, subsequent to the November 2006 US elections, of 8 US Attorneys.

Wheeler's current reputation stems from her analysis of the outing of Valerie Plame and the Bush administration's justification for invasion of Iraq. Several of her posts led to follow up stories in the main stream media. Her analytical and expository skills led FDL to publish her work on the PlameGate CIA leak scandal (2003) as the book "Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy". The book has become a standard reference in articles on PlameGate , and has been praised by Plame's husband Joseph C. Wilson.

During the trial of Scooter Libby, as part of a larger effort by FDL regulars, Wheeler blogged the courtroom testimony live. She was careful to describe her efforts as "not a transcript", but for all practical purposes, people ignored the distinction. The Washington Post cited her efforts as "essential reading."[1] The New York Times wrote a story on the coverage of the trial by FDL. [2]. The Libby trial was the first for which bloggers were recognized as journalists and granted media credentials, although anti-tobacco lobbyist and blogger Gene Borio had been credentialed at several previous trials.

Due to her in depth knowledge of the Plame outing and her blogging coverage of the Libby trial, Wheeler was a guest on NPR's Talk of the Nation[3]. She has been interviewed by The Raw Story [4], live on Radio Agonist [5], at Democracy Now![6], and she was a special guest at the YearlyKos Convention fundraiser in New York on March 10, 2007[7].

Her PhD thesis subject at the University of Michigan was the feuilleton, a literary-journalistic essay form, often self-published. Wheeler believes the feuilleton essay is an important medium for expressing opinions which might ordinarily be censored e.g. due to government displeasure. She lives and works in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is married.

[edit] References

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  4. ^| (20 February 2007)
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