Marcus Porcius Cato (II)

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Marcus Porcius Cato, son of Cato the Younger by his first marriage to Atilia. He was the brother of Porcia Catonis, who was first married to Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus (co-consul with Caesar in 59 BC), and later married their half-cousin (on the maternal side) Marcus Junius Brutus. He had fought in the battle of Thapsus with his father. They were defeated and his father Cato committed suicide. Julius Caesar pardoned young Cato and allowed him to keep his father's property.

Despite being pardoned by Caesar and allowed to return home[1], Cato joined his brother-in-law Brutus and ally Gaius Cassius Longinus in the assassination of Caesar. They fled Rome for Greece where Cato fought in both of the battles of Philippi. Cato was killed at the second battle of Philippi in 42 BC. According to Plutarch, as the army of the Liberators routed, he refused to retreat, and instead charged into the enemy ranks, allegedly without helmet or armor. Cato was renowned for being a man of gallantry and warm temperament.

[edit] Family tree

  • (1)=1st husband/wife
  • (2)=2nd husband/wife
  • x=assassin of Caesar
Salonia (2)
Cato the Elder
Licinia (1)
Marcus Porcius Cato Salonianus
Marcus Porcius Cato Licinianus
Marcus Livius Drusus
Marcus Porcius Cato (2)
Livia Drusa
Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger(1)
Marcus Livius Drusus
Atilia (1)
Cato the Younger
Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, adoptive son
Brutus (1)
Servilia Caepionis
Decimus Junius Silanus (2)
Servilia the younger
Quintus Servilius Caepio
Porcia Catonis
Marcus Junius Brutus x
Junia Prima
Junia Tertia
Gaius Cassius Longinus x
Marcus Porcius Cato (II)
Junia Secunda
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (triumvir)
Descendent of Pompey the Great and Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Lepidus the Younger
Manius Aemilius Lepidus
Aemilia Lepida II

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Appian, The Civil Wars, Book II, 99.
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