Marc H. Ellis

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Professor Ellis at Baylor University.
Professor Ellis at Baylor University.

Marc H. Ellis, was born in Miami, Florida in 1952. He earned B.A. and M.A. degrees at Florida State University, where he studied under Richard Rubenstein and William Miller. He received his doctorate in contemporary social and religious thought from Marquette University in 1980. Professor Ellis served as a senior fellow and visiting scholar at Harvard University's Center for the Study of World Religions and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, founded the master's program in justice and peace studies at New York's Maryknoll School of Theology, and is presently University Professor of Jewish Studies and Director of the Center for Jewish Studies at Baylor University.


[edit] Biography

Marc Ellis' was a member of the Catholic Workers Movement in 1974-1975[citation needed], which many credit {[fact}} for his later work for social justice. His spiritual journey was expressed in his magnum opus (1997) Unholy alliance: religion and atrocity in our time, called by George McGovern

"Masterful analysis of one of the most compelling issues of our age"

and by his readers "a book that changed my life," and "a book that challenged the way I view the world, religion, and God."[citation needed]

Marc Ellis is recognized as "one of the most influential Jewish thinkers of his generation" and "the most important contemporary Jewish theologian."[citation needed] He is a leading authority on the contemporary Judaism[citation needed], focuses his professional interests on the Jewish liberation theology, Jewish-Arab relations, and justice and peace studies. In the opinion of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,

"We will all be the poorer if Ellis' voice is not heeded, but how wonderfully enriched if it is."

and in the opinion of the internationally renowned Columbia University's Professor Edward Said,

"Marc Ellis is a brilliant writer, a deeply thoughtful and courageous mind, an intellectual who has broken the death-hold of mindless tradition and unreflective cliché to produce a superb account of post-Holocaust understanding, with particular reference to the Palestinian people and the moral obligation of Israelis and diaspora Jews. He is a man to be listened to with respect and admiration."

[edit] Publications

  • Ellis, M. H. (2005) The End of Jewish History : Auschwitz, The Holocaust and Palestine. ISBN 0745324266.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2005) After Arafat: mapping a Jewish/Palestinian solidarity. ASIN B000AJQKUU.
  • Ellis, M. H., & Neuberger, J. (2004) Toward a Jewish Theology of Liberation: The Challenge of the 21st Century. ISBN 1932792007.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2004) The Mural-Covered Wall: On Separation and the Future of Jews and Palestinians in Israel/Palestine and the Diaspora. ASIN B000BG5DE6.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2003) At the end of an era: a meditation on ecumenism, exile and gratitude. ASIN B0008DMKHA.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2002) Israel and Palestine - Out of the Ashes: The Search for Jewish Identity in the Twenty-first Century. ISBN 0745319564.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2001) Practicing Exile: The Religious Odyssey of an American Jew. ISBN 0800634438.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2000) Revolutionary Forgiveness: Essays on Judaism, Christianity, and the Future of religious Life. ISBN 0918954754.
  • Ellis, M. H. (2000) A Year at the Catholic Worker: A Spiritual Journey Among the Poor. ISBN 0918954746
  • Ellis, M. H.(2000) Indigenous minority rights, citizenship, and the new Jerusalem: a reflection on the future of Palestinians and Jews in the expanded state of Israel. ASIN B0008HBG4E.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1999) O Jerusalem: The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant. ISBN 0800631595.
  • McGowan, D., & Ellis, M. H. (1998) Remembering Deir Yassin: The Future of Israel and Palestine. ISBN 1566562910.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1997) Unholy Alliance: Religion and Atrocity in Our Time. ISBN 0-8006-3080-7.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1995) Restoring the ordinary: A reflection on the consciousness of the Holocaust in Jewish thought in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian accords. ASIN B0006QR1E6.
  • Ellis, M. H.(1994) Ending Auschwitz: The Future of Jewish and Christian Life. ISBN 0664255019.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1990) Beyond Innocence and redemption: Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power; Creating a Moral Future for the Jewish People. ISBN 0060622156.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1990) Expanding the View: Gustavo Gutierrez and the Future of Liberation Theology. ISBN 0883446901.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1989) The Future of Dissent: a Reflection on What Shall I Do With This People? Jews and the Fractious Politics of Judaism. ASIN B00082AJUG.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1986) Faithfulness in an Age of Holocaust. ISBN 0916349136.
  • Ellis, M. H. (1981) Peter Maurin: Prophet in the twentieth century. ISBN 0809123614.

[edit] Further readings

[edit] See also