Maradi (department)

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Capital Maradi
Population 2,235,748 inhabitants
Census 2001
Area 38,581 km²
Density /km²

The department of Maradi is located east of the department of Tahoua and west of Zinder, in the center of Niger, north of Nigeria's city of Kano. The administrative center is at Maradi. The population of the department is majority Hausa. Most of the 38,581 km2 of land is classified as "Sahel," though the northern parts head toward desert, and the very southern edges along the boarder with Nigeria get almost enough rain to be considered tropical (?).

The Maradi (Niger)-Nigeria border dips south below the department's capital, forming an area sometimes called the "breadbasket" of Niger. Tobacco, peanuts, mangoes, wheat, soy beans and even cotton can be found grown in some, along with the national staples of millet, sorghum and cow peas.

Arrondissements of Maradi
Arrondissements of Maradi

Maradi is divided into 6 arrondissements:

Maradi has the following foreign borders:

Domestically, it borders the following departments:

See also:

[edit] External links

Departments of Niger
Agadez | Diffa | Dosso | Maradi | Niamey | Tahoua | Tillabéri | Zinder