Manuel Andrade Díaz

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Manuel Andrade Díaz
Manuel Andrade Díaz

Manuel Andrade Díaz (b. in Villahermosa, Tabasco) is a politician of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and current Governor of Tabasco, Mexico. He holds a Law degree by the University Juárez Autónoma of Tabasco and qualified in Electoral Law and Parliamentary Law.


[edit] Trajectory

He was elected Secretary General of the National Movement of Revolutionary Youth in the municipality of Centro Tabasco, at the same time Secretary General of Internal of Popular Youth; and in the period 1989-1992, State President of the Youthful Revolutionary Front.

From this position he participated in the writing of the Statutes of the FJR, within the framework of VII the National Assembly of that organization.

He was Secretary General of the Municipal Committee of the PRI in the municipality of Center; state coordinator of the Electoral Program of Squares of First Priority of the CDE of the PRI, in 1991; delegate of the CDE in Comalcalco, Cárdenas, Teapa and Cunduacán; and President of the Committee of Promotion and Defense of the Human rights of the PRI, from 1993 to 1994.

That year was named Coordinating State of the Legal Defense program of vote for the electoral process that he nominate to Roberto Madrazo Pintado as candidate to Governor.

In the campaign of this politician, Secretary of Electoral Action was named del CDE, position from as he delineated the strategy that allowed the priísta triumph. Its entailment with the sectors of the Party took it to be representing of the PRI before the state and municipal electoral organisms, in the federal and local processes of 1988, 1991 and 1994.

In 1996 and until 1998, he was state leader of the PRI, position from which organized an intense political-electoral campaign. With that strategy the PRI managed to recover the four mayorships that were in being able of the opposition three years ago.

In the federal and local elections of 1997, with the leadership of Andrade, the PRI gained all the federal delegations, the municipal presidencies and the local delegations.

He is member of the National Political Council of the PRI from 1996.

Parallelly to its partisan activity, Andrade Diaz has evolved like Assistant director in the Direction of Government, Private secretary of the Secretary of Education, Culture and Recreation, Auxiliary Secretary of the Secretary of Interior of the State.

Twice he has been delegated, in the LIV and the LVI legislatures, being in this last President of the Great Commission of the H. Congress of the State.

He was also Undersecretary of Political Development of the Secretariat of Interior. He coordinated in the state the campaign of Madrazo in the internal election of the candidate to the Presidency of the Republic in 1999.

In 2000, Manuel Andrade Diaz was elect as Governor of Tabasco by Institutional Revolutionary Party.

[edit] Questioned first election

After being chosen as Governor, Andrade in front of faced a hard fight César Raúl Ojeda, candidate of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, José Antonio de la Vega of the National Action Party and other eight contenders.

After several months of campaign the day of the election arrived, on October 15, 2000. That same night, between mutual accusations, as much Andrade as Ojeda was self-proclaimed like winners of the election.

Nevertheless, the reports of the Electoral Institute of the state gave like winner to Manuel Andrade with the 44.05% of the votes against 43.27% of César Raúl Ojeda, whereas the panista of the de la Vega received 8.39%.

The days happened and the failure of the Electoral Institute of Tabasco favored to Andrade and Governor-elect declared. The PRD and Ojeda on the other hand decided to go to the Federal Electoral Tribunal to oppose the electoral process.

On December 29, 2000, two days before Manuel Andrade took possession as Constitutional Governor, in a fact without precedents in Mexico, the Federal Electoral Tribunal, with four votes to favor and two in against, decide to annul to the election for Governor of Tabasco and the revocation of the majority certainty of Andrade.

The Tribunal made the decision considering that "the government of the state of Tabasco was not neutral in the election of governor, which implies an affect in freedom of the possible suffrage". Government headed by Roberto Madrazo Pintado.

Before the absence of Governor-elect, the congress of the state designated to Enrique Priego Oropeza as Temporary Governor, who would have to remain up to 18 months in the position and to summon to new elections for Governor.

[edit] Priego - Lopez Conflict

The cancellation of the elections of Governor took by surprise to the Government in functions, which forced the congress to extraordinary session way to name to that had to take the reins from the state as Temporary Governor before the imminent exit of Madrazo as chief executive, who finished to his term on December 31, 2000.

Article 47 of the constitution of the state says the following thing:

In the case of absolute lack of the Governor, happened in both first years of the respective period, if the Congress is in sessions, it will be elevated immediately in Electoral School and concurring at least the two third parts of the total number of his members, will name, in secret scrutiny and by absolute majority of votes, to a temporary Governor.

The same Congress, will send within the five following days to the one of the designation of temporary Governor, the call for the election of Governor who must conclude the respective period; having to mediate between the date of the call and the one that is indicated to carry out elections, greater a nonsmaller term of three months nor of six.

If the Congress will not be in sessions, the Permanent Commission will name, of course, to a provisional Governor and will summon to extraordinary sessions the Congress so that this one designates to the temporary Governor and sends the call for the election of Governor in the terms of the previous paragraph.

When the lack of Governor happened after the second year of the respective period, if the Congress were in sessions will designate to the Governing Substitute that will have to conclude the period. If the Congress will not be reunited, the Permanent Commission will name a Governor provisional and will summon the Congress to Extraordinary Sessions so that it is elevated in Electoral School and it makes the designation of substitute Governor.

Taking as it bases the article, on December 31, 2000, the parliamentary group of the PRI of the 56 legislature (and that stopped that same day) it designated to the federal deputy without license, Enrique Priego Oropeza, as Temporary Governor. Act that was described like as legislative Dawn attack on the part of the PRD.

The PRD opposed the designation arguing that on December 31, 2000 was no absolute lack of governor, because Madrazo still was in functions and that in any case, would have to be the 57 legislature, same that entered functions the January 1, 2001 (the same day which the new governor) the one that he designated as Temporary Governor.

Under this argument, the legislators of PRD, PAN, PT and two of the PRI designated to the then Secretary General of the PRI, Adán Augusto López, as Temporary Governor, untying with it a postelectoral conflict without precedents in the state and the country: There were two governors in functions in a state. After political negotiations and several rinsings, the partisan forces agreed and Enrique Priego Oropeza assumed the interinato and summoned to new elections on August 5, 2001.

[edit] Second election

Andrade was designated again as candidate to Governor, and of new account it would have to face César Raúl Ojeda like more serious adversary, who was designated by the PRD for the second time to look for the governorship.

On the other hand, in the PAN there was relief and Lucio Lastra appeared to the election, in addition to Blanca Guerrero of the Social Alliance Party.

The election came and Manuel Andrade again prevail, with the 50.67% of the votes against the 45.95% of Ojeda Zubieta, that accepted its defeat not without before returning to oppose the election.

[edit] Rise to the power

Manuel Andrade swore as Constitutional Governor of Tabasco on January 1, 2002, on the presence of the President of Mexico, Vicente Fox and the absence of the of the PRD and the 57 PAN of legislature of the state. Its assumption also stood out by the absence of governing PRI members, was only present Tomás Yarrington, Governor of Tamaulipas.

[edit] See also

Preceded by
Enrique Priego Oropeza
Governor of Tabasco
Succeeded by
Andrés Rafael Granier Melo
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