Mankind Quarterly

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The Mankind Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to physical anthropology and cultural anthropology and associated with the Pioneer Fund.[1] It contains articles on human evolution, intelligence, ethnography, languages, mythology, archaeology, race, etc. It is published by Scott-Townsend Publishers and was founded in 1960, aiming to reunify biology with anthropology.

Many of those who constitute the publication's contributors, Board of Directors and publishers are connected to the academic hereditarian tradition. This journal has been criticized by some as being political and racist.[2]

According to defenders, Mankind Quarterly has never been afraid to publish articles in taboo areas , including behavioral group differences and the importance of mental ability for individual outcomes and group differences[citation needed]. During the "Bell Curve wars" of the 1990s, it received attention when opponents of The Bell Curve publicized the fact that some of the works cited by Bell Curve authors Herrnstein and Murray had first been published in Mankind Quarterly. [3] In the New York Review of Books Charles Lane referred to The Bell Curve's "tainted sources," noting that seventeen researchers cited in the book's bibliography had contributed articles to, and ten of these seventeen had also been editors of, the Mankind Quarterly, "a notorious journal of 'racial history' founded, and funded, by men who believe in the genetic superiority of the white race."[4]

Its sister journal is Roger Pearson's Journal of Indo-European Studies, which also receives major funding from the Pioneer Fund[citation needed]. Pearson received over a million dollars in grants from the Pioneer Fund in the eighties and the nineties. [5] [6]

This journal should not be confused with the longstanding Australian anthropological journal "Mankind", now known as "The Australian Journal of Anthropology" or "TAJA".


[edit] Founders

  • Robert Gayre Henry Garrett, Chair of Psychology at Columbia University from 1941 to 1955. A Virginia-born segregationist, Garrett was a key witness defending segregation in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.
  • Roger Pearson Member and of the Eugenics Society in 1963, became a fellow in 1977.[7]
  • Henry Garrett Helped organize an international group of scholars dedicated to preventing race mixing, preserving segregation, and promoting the principles of early 20th century eugenics and "race hygiene."[8]
  • Corrado Gini Wrote The Scientific Basis of Fascism in 1927.
  • Ottmar von Verschuer German human biologist and eugenicist primarily concerned with "racial hygiene" and twin research.[9]

[edit] Contributors

[edit] Editors

  • Roger Pearson
  • J. Gladykowska-Rzeczycka
  • J. Balslev Jorgensen
  • J.J. Helen Kaarma
  • David de Laubenfels
  • T.L. Markey
  • Umberto Melotti
  • H.F. MatarĂ©
  • Clyde E. Noble
  • Ralph Rowlett
  • Frederick Streng
  • Charles C. Susanne
  • Volkmar Weiss

[edit] References

  1. ^ L. Kamin, "Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics," in The Bell Curve Debate, eds. R. Jacoby and N. Glauberman (New York: Times Books, 1995), 86; for Kamin's criticisms of earlier work, see L. Kamin, The Science and Politics of I.Q. (Potomac, Md.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1974). See T. Samuel, "'Bell Curve' Trail Leads to an Outfit with a Racial Bent," Philadelphia Inquirer, November 27, 1994, E3; J. Mercer, "Fascination with Genetics," Chronicle of Higher Education (December 7, 1994): A28-29.
  2. ^ e.g., Arvidsson, Stefan (2006), Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science, translated by Sonia Wichmann, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^ Tucker, William H (2002). The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-02762-0
  6. ^ Mehler, Barry (July 7, 1998). Race Science and the Pioneer Fund Originally published as "The Funding of the Science" in Searchlight, No. 277.
  7. ^ Eugenics Society Members List
  8. ^ Science in the service of the far right: Henry E. Garrett, the IAAEE, and the Liberty Lobby - International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology - Experts in the Service of Social Reform: SPSSI, Psychology, and Society, 1936-1996
  9. ^ The Roots of Nazi Eugenics The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 64, No. 2 (Jun., 1989), pp. 175-180

[edit] External link