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Manishtushu was a king of the Akkadian Empire from 2276 to 2261 BCE.

He was the son of Sargon of Akkad and the father of Naram-sin. He was preceded by his younger brother Rimush, was assassinated by his own court, and was succeeded by Naram-sin.

[edit] Accomplishments

  • Conquered the city of Shirasum in Elam, what is modern day West/Southwest Iran.
  • Sailed a fleet down the Tigris River that eventually traded with 37 other nations as well as plundered silver mines.

History of Sumer:
Notable Rulers of Sumer
Legendary Kings:  Alulim Dumuzid Ziusudra
First Dynasty of Kish Etana Enmebaragesi
First Dynasty of Uruk Enmerkar Lugalbanda Gilgamesh
First Dynasty of Ur Meskalamdug Mesannepada Puabi
Dynasty of Adab Lugal-Anne-Mundu
Third Dynasty of Kish Kubaba
First Dynasty of Lagash Ur-Nanshe Eannatum En-anna-tum I
Entemena Urukagina
Third Dynasty of Uruk Lugal-Zage-Si
Dynasty of Akkad Sargon Enheduanna Manishtushu
Naram-Sin Shar-Kali-Sharri Dudu Shu-turul
Second Dynasty of Lagash Gudea
Fifth Dynasty of Uruk Utu-hegal
Third Dynasty of Ur Ur-Nammu Shulgi Amar-Sin Shu-Sin Ibbi-Sin